Page 26 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Track Plenary
Track 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Wave Propagation Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing
Monday, November 14, 10:30AM–12:15PM Wednesday, November 16, 10:30AM–12:15PM
121A, Phoenix Convention Center 121A, Phoenix Convention Center
Phononic Crystals With Pillars: Band Gaps, Local Resonances And Structural Integrity Considerations for New Materials - Additive
Scattering Properties Manufacturing
(IMECE2016-65864) (IMECE2016-68867)
Prof. Bahram Djafari Rouhani Prof. Michael Gorelik
University of Lille, France Federal Aviation Administration
Biography: Bahram Djafari-Rouhani is Professor of Physics at the Universi- Biography: Dr. Michael Gorelik is the Chief Scientist and Technical Advisor
ty of Lille, France. He received his PhD thesis in 1974 and his Doctorat for Fatigue and Damage Tolerance at the FAA. He has 25 years of
d’Etat in 1978 at the University of Paris-Orsay. After a post-doctoral experience in the areas of fracture mechanics, fatigue, damage tolerance,
position at the University of Gent (Belgium) he got a research position in probabilistic methods and Six Sigma. He successfully applied this
the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) from 1980 to expertise to design and certification of aerospace products, fleet
1985. In 1985 he became Professor, first at the University of Mulhouse management and risk assessment, root cause analysis, material qualifica-
before moving to the University of Lille in 1990. He has published about tion, and coordination of R&D programs and consortia.
300 papers in refereed journals and about 20 review articles and book
chapters (h index=42. Citations: over 8000). His scientific activities are Prior to joining the FAA, Dr. Gorelik was an Engineering Fellow at
dealing with theory and modelling of wave propagation and elementary Honeywell Aerospace working in the areas of life prediction and durability
excitations in heterogeneous and nanostructured materials, more assessment of safety-critical components. His other leadership assign-
particularly: phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials; photonic and ments included positions of Life Methods manager, Reliability and System
plasmonic waveguides and nanostrctures; dual phononic-photonic Safety manager, and a project manager responsible for deployment of
crystals; light scattering by acoustic phonons; optomechanics. He leaded Aerospace-wide material data management system.
a theory group of five permanent researchers on these topics and he was
Dr. Gorelik served as a principal investigator on a number of research
involved in several European (FP7-ICT and H2020) and national research
programs funded by the FAA, US Air Force, NASA, DARPA and US Army.
projects. He supervised 20 PhD students as well as several postodcs. He
He authored / co-authored over 50 peer reviewed papers and conference
was awarded the Bloch medal at the conference Phononics2013. His
presentations, and one patent. Dr. Gorelik is a member of the America
recent teaching activities are dealing with statistical and condensed
Makes Governance Board, and serves on the Expert Panel for the DARPA
matter physics, in particular about basic properties of phonons in crystals
Open Manufacturing program.
and advanced properties of phononic crystal structures.
He holds a number of professional certifications, and is a recipient of
NASA TGIR and R&D 100 awards. He received a Ph.D. degree in Engineer-
Track 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Wave Propagation ing Mechanics / Materials Engineering from the University of Illinois, and
NCAD TUTORIAL WORKSHOP an MBA degree from the W.P. Carey School of Business (ASU).
Tuesday, November 15, 1:30PM-2:15PM
125B, Phoenix Convention Center
Track 3: Advances in Aerospace Technology
Prof. Miao Yu Wednesday, November 16, 10:30AM–12:15PM
University of Maryland 121B, Phoenix Convention Center
Biography: Dr. Miao Yu received her Ph.D. from the University of Maryland Research Challenges in Aircraft Composite Structures Certification
in 2002 and her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Engineering Mechanics from and Analysis
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. She is currently an Associate (IMECE2016-68326)
Professor at the University of Maryland. Her research interests encom-
Prof. Stephen Engelstad
pass acoustic sensors, wave matter/structure interactions, metamaterials,
Lockheed Martin
microsystems and nanosystems, plasmonics and nanophotonics, and
smart materials and structures. Prof. Yu has published 2 book chapters, Biography: Stephen P. Engelstad is currently a Lockheed Martin Senior
50 archival journal articles, 56 conference papers. Her research work has Fellow with specialty in Computational Mechanics and Composite
also led to 6 awarded US patents, 2 provisional patent applications, and Structures. He holds a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics from Virginia
many UMD invention disclosures. One of these patents was the basis for Polytechnic Institute and State University. He has 29 years of experience
her receipt of the University of Maryland’s 2002 Outstanding Invention of in the aircraft industry in the areas of structural analysis, composites,
the Year award in the category of Physical Sciences and her two other
26 aircraft certification, bonded joints, aircraft survivability analysis, optimiza-
inventions were selected as one of the three finalists for the same award tion, structural dynamics and acoustics, and sonic and high cycle fatigue.
in 2010 and 2011. He currently serves as Technical Lead for an LM Aero Advanced Develop-
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