Page 23 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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tuesday        Special Events

              aPPlIed MeChanICs dIvIsIon honors & awards Banquet.        Thomas J. R. Hughes Young Investigator Award Committee
              sPonsored By aPPlIed MeChanICs dIvIsIon                    Ted Belytschko Applied Mechanics Award Committee
                                                      6:30PM–9:00PM      Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Award Committee
                                   Phoenix grand Ballroom d, sheraton grand  Daniel C. Drucker Medal Committee
              Tickets: $90                                               Warner T. Koiter Medal Committee
                                                                         Timoshenko Medal Committee
              The evening’s events will include honoring:

                                                                              wednesday           Special Events

              wednesday, nOVeMBeR 16                                               Biography:  Mr. unikewicz is a senior engineer,
                                                                                   Regulatory Affairs with NuScale Power LLC. A
                                                                                   graduate of the University of Hartford, he has over
              InvIted Industry PresentatIon                                        35 years experience in the field of Nuclear Power Plant
                                                        1:15 – 2:00PM              Engineering, Design, Regulation, Construction and
                                         125a, Phoenix Convention Center           Operation. Prior to working with NuScale, he spent
              speaker: steven unikewicz, senior Licensing engineer, nuscale Power  19 years in Design Engineering at Connecticut Yankee and Millstone
                                                                     Nuclear Power Plants, 7 years with the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
              title: Pen to Practice: Transformative Ideas in the Nuclear Power Plant   and 8 years as a Sr Principle Engineer with Alion Science & Technology.
              Arena – Challenges, Successes, and Sometimes Failure   He has worked at nuclear plant in China, Korea, Japan, Belgium and the
                                                                     US. In his current position with NuScale Power, he is working with the team
              Abstract: As a figment of imagination that emerged through the aid of
                                                                     to bring the next generation Small Modular Nuclear Reactor (SMR) through
              science to plan on paper. It moved to realization in stone, metal and
                                                                     design certification to market. NuScale expects to complete their design
              energy. It brings jobs and homes to men. It elevates the standards of living
                                                                     certification and begin operation of a plant in the early 2020's.  Additionally,
              and adds to the comforts of life. It has been with us since the 1950's and
                                                                     Mr. Unikewicz is the ASME Engineering Sciences Segment (ESS) Chair,
              continues to evolve today with new designs that safer and simpler and
                                                                     a member of the ASME Board on Nuclear Codes and Standards (BNCS),
              environment friendly. The design and operation is highly theoretical,
                                                                     a member of the ASME Standards Committee on Operation and Maintenance
              profoundly practical and strictly regulated. It's also a highly political and
                                                                     of Nuclear Power Plants (OM Code). He has approximately 16 peer
              emotional topic as well.
                                                                     reviewed publications on technical topics ranging from Energy and the
                                                                     Environment to Nuclear Plant Inservice Testing.
              It can be argued that, 60 years in, we are very successful – plants
              operating well over 95% providing stable energy to millions of people
              world-wide, plants being planned and built in the US and world-wide. It
              can be argued that the commercial nuclear industry is no longer success-  MeMs dIvIsIon's volunteer reCePtIon and Best PaPer
              ful. US plants are shutting down due to economics, the US still has no   award PresentatIon
              plans for a permanent spent fuel repository; the time frame for a new                          5:30PM–7:00PM
              design from Pen to Practice is 20 years (or more).                                 126C, Phoenix Convention Center

              In the commercial nuclear industry, the mechanical engineer must be
              cross disciplined, multi-lingual, socially aware and highly competent. We
              need to speak the language of science, of engineering, of construction, of   IMeCe volunteer and student reCognItIon reCePtIon
              regulation and be able to speak to ours neighbor and friend as well.                           5:30PM–7:00PM
                                                                                                  Paradise valley, sheraton grand
              Success is an option – we can and will continue to create new ideas, and

              put them practice; but to get there we need to be transformative in our
              thinking. All engineers have a place and role. Without question, there are
              challenges and there will be failures, how we achieve success is up to us.  eleCtronIC and PhotonIC PaCkagIng dIvIsIon wIne and
                                                                     Cheese reCePtIon. sPonsored By the eleCtronICs and
              In this presentation, we will discuss the mechanical engineers role in the in
                                                                     PhotonICs PaCkagIng dIvIsIon
              the struggle for success. What can we as researchers, design engineers,
              construction engineers and regulators do? How has regulation and
                                                                                                 126B, Phoenix Convention Center
              standardization helped and at times hindered? What are our challenges
              going forward?
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