Page 20 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Special Events TUESDAY

              TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15                                   MICRO & NANOTECHNOLOGY SOCIETY WIDE FORUM AND THE
                                                                     NSF POSTER COMPETITION
              ME/MET DEPARTMENT HEADS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                        Exhibit Hall (Hall CD), Phoenix Convention Center
              WORKSHOP                                               Poster Setup          10:00AM–11:30am
                                                     10:30AM–12:00PM  General Viewing/Judging   11:30AM–2:00PM
                                  Phoenix Grand Ballroom AB, Sheraton Grand  Awards        2:00PM–3:00PM

                                                                     Sponsored by the ASME Nanotechnology Institute
              THE HEAT TRANSFER DIVISION                             Micro- and nanoscale phenomena and processes are widely explored
                                                      11:00AM–1:00PM  across many ASME divisions to create new applications and to improve
                                   Phoenix Grand Ballroom D, Sheraton Grand  existing engineering systems. This forum seeks to bring together ASME
              Ticket: $40                                            members and researchers from academia and industry with a common
                                                                     focus on micro- and nanotechnology. Please join us in discovering
              HTD Memorial Award (Science)                           small-scale innovation making a large impact.
              Brent Webb

              HTD Memorial Award (General)                           GUEST LUNCHEON SPONSORED BY THE ASME AUXILIARY
              Jayathi Murthy
                                                                                                   Paradis Valley, Sheraton Grand
              HTD Memorial Award (Art)
              Raj Manglik                                            Ticket: $40
                                                                     Special Presentation: “Youth Football Helmet Safety Issues”,
              Bergles-Rosenhow Award                                 Dr. Kenneth Saczalski
              Patrick Hopkins
                                                                     Dr. Saczalski is well known for his years of research in biomechanics and
              Retiring ASME Journal of Heat Transfer Editor          vehicle occupant safety along with research on head injuries related to
              Terry Simon                                            football helmet usage. During his career he has worked with the U.S.
                                                                     Office of Naval Research as a Scientific Officer, served as an advisor to the
                                                                     U.S. Secretary of Transportation and advised the National Highway Traffic
                                                                     Safety Administration (NHTSA) on the evaluation of passive safety systems
              TRANSFORMING ENGINEERING CULTURE TO ADVANCE            like the airbag.  He has appeared on several U.S. and Canadian television
              INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY (TECAID)                       shows, such as “60 Minutes” and the “CBS Evening News.”
                                  Phoenix Grand Ballroom AB, Sheraton Grand

                                                                     INVITED INDUSTRY PRESENTATION
                                                                                                 125A, Phoenix Convention Center
              NSF ENG/CMMI DIVISION PROGRAM DIRECTORS PANEL SESSION   Speaker: Jeff Geertsen, Engineering Manager, Global Ultrasound Probes,
              (CMMI, CBET)                                           GE Healthcare
                                          126C, Phoenix Convention Center  Title: Engineering Challenges for Medical Ultrasound Transducers
              Speakers: Siddiq Qidwai, George Hazelrigg, Mary Toney, Kara Peter
                                                                     Abstract: Ultrasound transducers for medical applications present
                                                                     engineering challenges on several fronts. High-quality acoustic data-gath-
                                                                     ering for medical imaging requires the use of a wide variety of dissimilar
                                                                     materials, electrical connectivity to hundreds or thousands of piezoelectric
              NSF RESEARCH PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP              elements, packaging that meets demanding application needs, and robust
                                                      3:00PM–5:30PM  design for mass production and reliability. A brief history of the science of
                                          126C, Phoenix Convention Center  ultrasound and its use for medical purposes will illustrate the diverse
              Speaker: George Hazelrigg                              materials, processes, and engineering skills necessary to design and build
                                                                     effective transducers. Modern products will be presented to demonstrate
                                                                     the current state of the art, and engineering challenges that remain to be
                                                                     solved to further transducer technology will be presented.
                                                                     Comment: Even though ultrasound transducers are considered to be
                                                                     electrical devices from a regulatory standpoint, most of the engineering

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