Page 16 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Special Events MONDAY
Monday, November 14 125A, Phoenix Convention Center
8:30AM–10:00AM Speaker: David Howell, Senior Vice President, Operating Plants Business,
(breakfast served from 8:00AM–8:30AM) Westinghouse Electric Company
North Ballroom CD, Phoenix Convention Center
Title: Changing the Nuclear Paradigm through Technology for the Long
Keynote Speaker: DAVID SANDALOW, Inaugural Fellow, Columbia
University Center on Global Energy Policy Run
Abstract: Nuclear energy provides 19 percent of the country’s electricity
Energy Policy and Technology: Seven Trends to Watch
supply, while accounting for roughly 62 percent of its carbon-free
electricity. It has been reported that without nuclear power providing
Biography: David Sandalow is the Inaugural Fellow carbon-free energy, states would find it “difficult if not impossible” to meet
at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy ambitious federal clean energy goals in coming decades, and that more
Policy, where he directs the Future of the Grid and than 531 million tons of CO2 emissions prevented by nuclear plants every
US-China Energy & Climate programs. year will be worth $85 billion by 2020, using the federal government’s
guidelines for estimating the social cost of carbon. That’s just a sampling
Prior to joining Columbia, Mr. Sandalow served in of why it’s critical that commercial nuclear power be part of our national
senior positions at the U.S. Department of Energy, including Under strategy for the long run.
Secretary of Energy (acting) and Assistant Secretary for Policy &
International Affairs. As Under Secretary (acting), Mr. Sandalow helped A lot of people and companies talk about climate change, while Westing-
oversee DOE’s renewable energy, energy efficiency, fossil energy, house is doing something about it… through technology. While inventing
nuclear energy and electricity delivery programs, with a budget of more new plant technology we have continued to support utility operators in
than $3.5 billion per year. As Assistant Secretary, he helped coordinate extending the useful life of their assets from the original license term of 40
policy development and international activities at the Department. Prior years for an initial extension to 60 years and soon to 80. This would be
to serving at DOE, Mr. Sandalow was a Senior Fellow at the Brookings impossible without state of the art technology. For example:
Institution, as well as Energy & Climate Change Working Group Chair at
the Clinton Global Initiative. He has served as Assistant Secretary of • Guided wave radar technology has been deployed to nearly 100
State for Oceans, Environment & Science and a Senior Director on the sites, resulting in a spent fuel pool instrumentation system mandated
National Security Council staff. by post-Fukushima regulation that is simple, effective and affordable.
• Laser Peening is a proven technology for preventing stress corrosion
Mr. Sandalow writes and speaks widely on energy and climate policy.
He was project chair for the ICEF Solar and Storage Roadmap cracking.
(December 2015), lead author of Meeting China’s Shale Gas Goals • Our newest robotic inspection technologies provide utilities with
(Columbia Center on Global Energy Policy, September 2014), editor of reduced inspection times, reduced dose and reduced costs by
Plug-In Electric Vehicles: What Role for Washington? (Brookings Press, eliminating unnecessary operations, eliminate problem areas, and
2009) and co-author of U.S.-China Cooperation on Climate Change reducing outage critical path times.
(Brookings, 2009). He is the author of Freedom from Oil (McGraw-Hill,
2008) and dozens of articles and op-eds. Mr. Sandalow has appeared • Advanced pattern recognition software is being used to detect
on CNN, NPR, NBC, BBC, CCTV and many other broadcast outlets and changes otherwise undetectable to find problems before they
served as a moderator at many conferences including the World Future happen and optimize maintenance.
Energy Summit, ARPA-E Summit and Clean Energy Ministerial. He
served as Honorary Chair of the Energy Storage Association’s 2015 • The accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) program began in 2004, aimed at
Annual Conference. producing light water reactor fuel that provides a leap ahead in safety
and performance using advanced material that will be able to
withstand and survive extreme events and are expected to provide
increased degradation resistance at temperatures up to ~1800°C
• ASME design stress and fatigue analyses using NB-3200 criteria is
now performed by WESTEMS, a Microsoft® Windows®-based
integrated diagnostics and monitoring system. It is modular in design,
using project-based models and a family of plug-in programmable
• Pre-engineered control system retrofit solutions have been devel-
16 oped for installation in existing cabinets, minimizing the impact on
plant infrastructure, maximizing re-use of existing plant cables, and
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