Page 18 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Special Events MONDAY
Phoenix Ballroom AB, Sheraton Grand Monday, November 14
Sponsored by: Mechanical Engineering and Technology Department 5:30PM–7:00PM
Head Committees 120A, Phoenix Convention Center
Join the ASME ECE Programming Committee for this social experience!
The Department Heads Forum is an annual event at the ASME Congress
for mechanical engineering and mechanical engineering technology You will have the opportunity to hear four short, relevant, and inspira-
department heads. The forum is a chance to learn about some of the latest tional Mini-Talks given in an informal setting by experienced engineers
research funding developments, curricular innovations, accreditation sharing their perspective on career development.
issues, and upcoming ASME Center for Education activities.
In addition to the mini-talks, you can meet up with other mechanical
engineers that have similar interests, to network professionally, and
make new connections with ASME leadership and/or renew past
MATERIALS DIVISION LECTURES AND RECEPTION. SPONSORED friendships. Bring plenty of business cards for networking!
3:45PM–7:00PM Ice cream will be served and an Apple IPad mini 2 will be (32GB) will be
Phoenix Grand Ballroom E, Sheraton Grand given away! (must be present to win)
The following awards and lectures will be presented: Program Moderator:
Daniel J. Kearney, PHD, CEng, Senior Scientist, ABB
Corporate Research
Moderator Biography: Daniel J. Kearney, CEng
Title: Fracture in Functionally Graded Materials
received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in
Addis Kidane, University of South Carolina mechanical engineering from University College
Dublin, Ireland in 2005 and the PhD degree in mechanical engineering
from University of Limerick, Ireland, in 2009. In his current role at ABB
Corporate research, in Switzerland, Dr. Kearney holds the technical lead
SIA NEMAT-NASSER AWARD PRESENTATION (4:15PM-4:45PM) on research in the area of thermal management of electromagnetic
components and the advanced package design in PCB embedded
Title: Advanced Nano and Smart Materials Based 3D/4D Bioprinting
power electronic architectures with over 17 peer-reviewed manuscripts
Lijie "Grace" Zhang, The George Washington University and 10 patents pending. Dr. Kearney was the recipient of the 2006
Power Electronics Industry Group Scholarship, a prizewinner at the 10th
Sir Bernard Crossland Symposium and recipient of the 2016 European
Centre for Power Electronics Young Engineer Award. He is a member of
NADAI MEDAL AWARD PRESENTATION (4:45PM-5:15PM) Engineers Ireland and an active member of the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Title: An analytical model of reactive diffusion for transient electronics
Yonggang Huang, Northwestern University
Importance of Effective Listening Skills
7:00PM–9:00PM Sriharsha S. Sundarram, PhD, Assistant Professor,
126C, Phoenix Convention Center
Fairfield University School of Engineering
How effective are your listening skills? This talk will
start off by defining what essentially is effective
listening, and provide the science behind the
concept of hearing verses listening. Then, discuss common misconcep-
tions, including why it is most important to develop and how you, as an
engineer, can improve your listening skills. Sundarram will conclude the
talk by sharing a few examples from his own professional experiences
illustrating the good and the bad of listening, so that attendees can
18 clearly distinguish the differences between the two types. The
examples would be ones to which all engineers can relate to.
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