Page 301 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
P. 301

Exhibitor Program

              PROTO is a leading manufacturer of x-ray diffraction systems. Our product   ____________________________________________________________
              line includes residual stress & retained austenite measurement systems,
              Laue single-crystal orientation, x-ray tubes, custom XRD systems, and
              powder diffractometers. Come visit our booth to see how we can help you
              solve your engineering problems using x-ray diffraction. Measurement
              services are also available through ISO 17025 laboratories in the United
              States and Canada.
                                                                      SAGE Publishing (Booth #113)
                                                                      1 Oliver's Yard, 5S City Rd.
                                                                      London, EC1Y 1SP
                                                                      United Kingdom
                                                                      Phone: 44 0207 324 8500

              Rethink Robotics (Booth #202)                           Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the
              27 Wormwood St.                                         dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community.
              Boston, MA 02210                                        SAGE publishes journals, books, and library products spanning a range of
              Phone: 617-500-2487                                     subject areas. SAGE remains majority-owned by our founder, who has
              E-mail:                      ensured that the company will remain permanently independent. www.

              Rethink Robotics has pioneered the development of smart, collaborative   Product/Service: Publisher
              robots that can operate safely next to people in a wide range of education
              and research, manufacturing, and production environments. Founded in   ____________________________________________________________
              2008 by renowned roboticist Rodney Brooks, the company is successfully   CONFERENCE LANYARDS SPONSOR
              introducing robots into organizations and applications for which robots
              have historically been impractical. The Baxter Robot is safe and afford-
              able with an open source SDK, making it the choice platform to teach
              concepts of engineering, automation, manufacturing, and programming.
              Just as the PC revolutionized the way computers were used by office
              workers in the era of mainframes, Rethink Robotics is revolutionizing the
              way people in research and education can access and use robots for their   Stratasys (Booth #309)
              work.                                                   5 Fortune Dr.
                                                                      Billerica, MA 01821
                                                                      Phone: 800-801-6491
              Product/Service: Manufacturer

                                                                      Stratasys® manufactures 3D printing equipment and materials that create
                                                                      physical objects directly from digital data, enabling students to bring their
                                                                      designs to life. Systems range from affordable and easy-to-use desktop
                                                                      3D printers to advanced 3D production systems and digital part services.
                                                                      As your partner in education, Stratasys also supports instructors with 3D
              R Systems, Inc. (Booth #312)                            printing curriculum and offers student scholarships in its annual Extreme
              1902 Fox Dr. Ste. F                                     Redesign contest.
              Champaign, IL 61820-7378
              Phone: 434-466-4106                                     Product/Service: Manufacturer

              Your ideas, our computer muscle—a team changing the world. R Systems
              provides bare metal high-performance computer cluster resources and
              technical expertise to commercial and institutional research clients.


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