Page 303 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
P. 303
Exhibitor Program
The Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering at the University online M.S. option, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
of North Texas (UNT) is committed to educating globally competitive (unique in the country).
engineers in mechanical and energy-related sciences. UNT is a “R1
Doctoral University with the highest research activity”, which is Carnegie’s Product/Service: Academic Institution
top classification for research universities. With a current enrollment of
794 B.S., 65 M.S. and 20 Ph.D. students, it is one of the most sought after ____________________________________________________________
majors in the college of engineering at UNT.
Product/Service: Academic Institution
BRONZE SPONSOR Wolfram Research (Booth #201)
100 Trade Center Drive
Champaign IL 61820
Phone: 217-398-0700
US Didactic, Inc. (Booths #216, 218)
52 Riley Rd., Ste. 371 Wolfram has been defining the computational future for more than 25
Celebration, FL 37747-5420 years, and is the leader in developing technology and tools that inject
Phone: 888-440-5227 sophisticated computation and knowledge into everything. Founded by
E-mail: Stephen Wolfram in 1987, our products include Mathematica, the world's
Website: foremost technical computing program, Wolfram|Alpha, the widely used
computable knowledge engine, and a growing family of highly innovative
US Didactic, Inc. is a principal supplier of Teaching Laboratory Equipment and dynamic cloud, web, and mobile applications—all built on the
to Engineering Education addressing a broad range of programs and revolutionary Wolfram Language.
courses, including Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Energy Conversion,
Fluid Mechanics, Pipe Networks, Turbomachinery, Statics, Dynamics, Product/Service: Computer Software, Website Development
Material Properties & Testing, Machine Theory, Mechatronics, Automation
& Manufacturing, Instrumentation & Controls. Contact us to receive a copy ____________________________________________________________
of our NEW 2017 Teaching Equipment Catalog in PDF or Hardcopy.
Product/Service: Education Software
Zemax (Booths #301, 400)
10230 NE Points Drive, Ste. 540
Kirkland, WA 98033
Phone: 425-305-2755
Virginia Commonwealth University (Booth #203) Website:
401 W Main St.
Richmond, VA 23284 Zemax is the leader in design and simulation software for the optics
Phone: 804-827-5275 industry. For 25 years, OpticStudio™ has helped engineers turn their
E-mail: imaging optics and laser system ideas into reality. In 2016, Zemax
Website: released LensMechanix™, a SOLIDWORKS add-in that simplifies optome-
chanical design and streamlines the workflow between optical and
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) is an urban institution of higher mechanical engineers. For the first time, mechanical engineers can
education located in Richmond, Virginia. The VCU Department of package and analyze optomechanical designs in SOLIDWORKS to identify
Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE) is the largest in the School of impact on optical performance
Engineering and offers a variety of degree programs at both the graduate
and undergraduate levels. Graduates of our program are in high demand Product/Service: Software developer
and enjoy one of the highest starting salaries of all college majors.
We offer undergraduate degrees (ABET accredited): B.S. degree in
Mechanical Engineering, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering with a 243
concentration in Nuclear Engineering. In addition, we offer Graduate
degrees in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, an M.S. degree, an
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