Page 36 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Technical Program At-A-Glance
10:30AM–12:15PM PG. 1:30PM–3:15PM PG. 3:45PM–5:30PM PG.
121A 1-5-7: Exotic Lattices in Phononics 45 1-5-8: Exotic Phenomena in Phononics 46 1-5-12: Computational Phononics 47
121B 1-5-6: Experimental Phononics 45 1-5-10: Dissipative Phononics 46 10-16-2: Heat Transfer in Multi-phase 120
121C 1-7-1: Aero-Acoustics and Sound 45 1-8-1: Flow-Induced Noise and Vibration 46 1-5-11: Soft Phononics 47
122A 1-5-9: Nonlinear Phononics 45 2-12-1: Sheet Metal & Tube Forming: Novel 49 2-12-2: Sheet Metal and Tube 50
Processes and Controls Forming: Novel Processes and
Material Characterization
122B 2-3-1: Symposium on Additive 48 2-3-2: Symposium on Additive 48 2-3-3: Symposium on Additive 49
Manufacturing: Applications Manufacturing: Process Modeling & Manufacturing: Mechanical
Simulation Characterization
122C 2-9-1: Innovative Product Design I 48 2-9-2: Innovative Product Design II 48 2-9-3: Innovative Product Design III 49
123 5-1-1: Plenary Presentation Professor 79 5-3-3: Nonlinear Dynamics, Control, and 79 5-3-4: Nonlinear Dynamics, Control, 81
Dewey H. Hodges, Georgia Institute Stochastic Mechanics III and Stochastic Mechanics IV
of Technology
129A 8-18-2: Session II 96 5-4-3: Design and Control of Robots, 80 5-4-4: Design and Control of Robots, 81
Mechanisms and Structures III Mechanisms and Structures IV
129B 5-2-3: General Topics III 79 5-13-1: Vibrations of Continuous 81
Systems I
131A 15-1-1: General Topics in Systems, 179 5-7-2: FSI 2 80 5-7-3: FSI 3 81
Design and Complexity
131B 5-9-1: Dynamics and Control in Micro/Nano 80 5-9-2: Dynamics and Control in 81
Engineering I Micro/Nano Engineering II
131C 10-44-1: Plenary 119 5-11-1: Novel Control of Dynamic System and 80 5-11-2: Novel Control of Dynamic 81
Design I System and Design II
221A 14-6-1: Reliability Methods: 176 8-4-3: Carbon Capture and Storage 96 8-4-4: Design and Analysis of 98
Optimization, Cyclic Stress, and Energy Systems - 1
Physics of Failure
221B 14-10-1: Safety and Risk in 176 8-5-3: Energy Systems Components - III 96 8-16-1: Generation and Use of 99
Transportation Syngas/Producer Gas
221C 15-6-1: Optimization in Design 179 8-13-1: Fuel Cells 97 8-6-1: Low-Temperature Energy 98
Conversion Systems
222A 16-2-1: Vehicles Crashworthiness 183 8-10-1: Air Conditioning 97 8-10-2: Building Energy 98
222B 11-9-1: Multifunctional Electronic 132 8-11-5: Wind Energy and Tidal Energy 97 8-11-6: Ocean Energy, Geothermal, 99
Devices and Storage
222C 9-10-1: Multiphase Flow I 105 9-10-2: Multiphase Flow II 107
223 11-22-2: Modeling, Simulation and 133 9-5-1: CFD Applications for Optomization 106 9-5-2: CFD Applications for 105
Design of Multifunctional Materials - II and Controls I Optimization and Controls II
224A 11-6-1: ICME: A Success Story I 132 9-17-1: YEP Contest 107
224B 11-27-2: Electrochemical and Thermal 133 10-44-2: Plenary 119 10-8-2: Fundamentals of Multiscale 119
Energy Conversion and Storage 2 Modeling and Simulations of Heat
Transfer II
225A 11-12-2: Effect of Processing on 132 10-6-3: Wall Jets and Forced 119
Mechanical Behavior of Materials. Convection
225B 11-17-1: Material Processing of Flexible 132 12-53-4: Damage and Failure Mechanics: 154 10-16-1: Heat Transfer in Multi-phase 120
Electronics, Sensors, and Devices I Multiscale Approach, Experimental Systems
Characterization, and Modeling IV
226A 11-22-1: Modeling, Simulation and 133 14-6-2: Reliability Methods: Satellites, 176 14-12-3: Hazards and Safety Features 176
Design of Multifunctional Materials - I Transmissions, Cyclic Shear, and for Vehicles and Workers
226B 12-25-1: Lectures 152 15-7-1: Product and Process Design I 179 15-7-2: Product and Process Design 180
226C 16-2-2: Occupant Protection and 183 16-2-3: Systems Crashworthiness 183
IMECEProgram2016.indd 36 10/27/16 1:55 PM