Page 4 - ASME IMECE 2016 Program
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Welcome from the Chairs
On behalf of the Congress Steering Committee (CSC), we of the challenges and successes that mechanical engineer-
are delighted that you have chosen to join us in Phoenix ing can provide to the industrial and government arenas.
for the 2016 IMECE. We have attendance from colleagues
in academia, industry and government, who will share Other events include the President’s luncheon on Monday
their activities, ideas and advances in mechanical to recognize seventeen ASME medal recipients. On
engineering. There are 20 technical tracks covering a Tuesday there are three National Science Foundation
range of topics from fundamental to contemporary issues (NSF) sponsored events to promote and support IMECE.
that comprise over 2200 presentations. The breadth of NSF program managers will hold the CBET/CMMI
the technical tracks is a result of the hard work and Engineering Information session and a workshop on
dedication of our track chairs and topic organizers who Proposal Writing. There are also two competitions
volunteer and commit their time to bring you this program. featuring the Micro/Nano Forum Poster competition and Sincerely,
As you review the program, you will find opportunities to the Student Poster Competition for NSF-funded research
network and relax with colleagues in addition to attending projects. These activities bring together researchers from
plenary and technical sessions. across the mechanical engineering disciplines to share
their findings. There will also be a general poster session
On Sunday evening, all IMECE participants are welcome to on Wednesday afternoon during lunch to showcase
attend the evening Honors Assembly as well the state-of-the-art research posters on a variety of topics
Undergrad R&D Expo poster competition. The poster encompassing the essence of all track topics. Francine Battaglia
session features research performed by undergraduate 2016 IMECE Technical
mechanical engineering students from around the world. As you peruse the program, you will find ASME division Program Chair
Afterward, the Honors Assembly will recognize the and technical committee events. Please consider
achievements of nine individuals who have made attending some of these events to become more active in
significant contributions to our profession. the Society and participate in upcoming programs and
conferences. It is volunteers such as yourselves that help
On Monday morning, we are pleased to host keynote infuse ASME and direct its future. The ASME Event
speaker Dr. David Sandalow, who is the Inaugural Fellow Connect App has been upgraded to assist you with
at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy, scheduling your time for these exciting activities! Ramakrishna Koganti
where he directs the US-China Energy & Climate program 2016 IMECE General
and works on issues including the future of the electric A conference of this size and stature would not be possible Chair
grid, renewables finance, and CO2 utilization. The without the tremendous efforts of volunteer organizers,
conference-wide plenary sessions feature three excep- ASME Staff and participants. We are grateful for the support
tional speakers. Tuesday we host Mr. Jeffrey B. Lowinger, of the CSC, our operations team including our local section
senior vice president and chief technology officer, representatives, and the dedicated ASME staff with whom
industrial sector for Eaton Corporation. Our speaker for we have worked closely. The technical program and
Wednesday is Mr. Jim Holland, vice president for Vehicle conference proceedings were made possible by the
Component and System Engineering at Ford Motor dedicated service of ASME staff, and we are indebted to Stephen D. Tse
Company. On Thursday at the closing lunch, our speaker is them for their patience and timely responses to the many 2016 IMECE Technical
Dr. Ilan Gur, founding director of Cyclotron Road. inquiries from authors and organizers. Countless hours have Program Vice Chair
Additionally we are excited to have three fantastic industry been dedicated by the track chairs, topic and session
speakers who will address the activities, research, and organizers, reviewers, and judges, without whom this
challenges at their respective workplaces. On Monday, conference would not be possible. We thank them for their
Mr. David A. Howell, senior vice president of Operating diligence in affording a quality conference filled with
Plants Business at Westinghouse Electric Company will presentations from authors around the globe on the breadth
give his presentation. On Tuesday, we welcome Mr. Jeff of topics that makes mechanical engineering so special.
Geertsen, engineering manager, Ultrasound Probes for GE Finally, we would like to thank the speakers for their time and Assimina Pelegri
Healthcare. And on Wednesday, Mr. Steven Unikewicz, commitment by traveling to the meeting and sharing their
4 Nuscale Power, Senior Licensing Engineer, NuScale Power work with the attendees. 2016 Congress
Steering Committee
LLC, will present. We are truly honored to have these Thank you for your participation and we hope you enjoy IMECE! Chair
individuals speak at IMECE and offer a broader perspective
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