Page 45 - ASME_IMECE_2015_Program
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Technical Program At-A-Glance
10:30am–12:00pm 1:15pm–2:45pm 3:30pm–5:00pm
Track 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology 1-1-1: Plenary Session I (360A) 1-10-1: Multiscale Computational Modeling of Composite Materials and Structures (360C) 1-10-2: Multiscale Models and Experiments for Composites (360C)
1-11-2: Recent Advances in Mechanics of Composites I (360D) 1-11-1: Recent Advanced in Mechanics of Composites II (360D)
1-4-1: Aeromechanics and Aeroelasticity (360A) 1-6-1: Combustion and Engine Operation (360A)
1-8-1: Impact, Damage and Failure of Composites I (360B) 1-8-2: Impact, Damage and Fracture of Composites II (360B)
Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing 2-15-1: Innovative Product Design I (360E) 2-15-2: Innovative Product Design II (360F) 2-15-3: Innovative Product Design III (360F)
2-16-1: Bolted Joints Technology (360C) 2-16-2: Welding and Adhesive Joints 1 Technology (361A) 2-16-3: Welding and Adhesive Joints 2 Technology (361A)
2-17-1: Ultrasonic Manufacturing (360B) 2-2-3: Graphene and Carbon Nanostructure Synthesis and Applications (360E) 2-2-1: Nanostructure Synthesis and Characterization (360E)
2-2-2: Thin Film Nanostructures for Energy and Emerging Applications (360D) 2-5-1: Advanced Machining and Finishing - 1 (361B)
Track 3: Biomedical & Biotechnology Engineering 3-1-1: Plenary Session (360F) 3-10-1: Computational Modeling and Device Design 1 (361F) 3-10-2: Computational Modeling and Device Design 2 (361F)
3-13-1: General Biomedical and Biotechnology Applications I (362B) 3-13-2: General Biomedical and Biotechnology Applications II (362B)
3-15-1: Tunable and Anisotropic Biomaterials (362A) 3-15-2: Functionally Graded Tissue Systems (362A)
3-17-1: Advances in Biomedical Elastography I (362C) 3-17-2: Advances in Biomedical Elastography II (362C)
3-2-1: Spinal Injury: Modeling and Experimentation (361C) 3-2-2: Brain Injury: Modeling and Experimentation - I (361C)
3-7-1: Dynamics and Control of Biomechanical Systems I (361D) 3-7-2: Dynamics and Control of Biomechanical Systems II (361D)
3-9-1: Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Applications I (361E) 3-9-2: Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Applications II (361E)
Track 6: Emerging Technologies 6-2-1: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing (361A) 6-1-1: Engineering Research in Healthcare (362D) 6-3-2: Computing and Controls (362D)
6-3-1: Energy and Manufacturing (362E)
Track 9: Fluids Engineering Systems & Technologies 9-11-1: CFD /EFD Choice? - A Dilemma for Industries (371A) 9-5-2: Vorticity-Dominated Flows - II (380B) 9-5-3: Pumps, Turbines and Jet Flows (380B)
9-13-1: Experiments and CFD in Heat Exchangers (371B) 9-6-2: CFD for Optimization and Controls II (380C) 9-6-3: CFD for Optimization and Controls III (380C)
9-5-1: Vorticity-Dominated Flows - I (370D) 9-8-2: Industrial Flows II (380D) 9-8-3: Industrial Flows III (380D)
9-6-1: CFD for Optimization and Controls I (370E)
9-8-1: Industrial Flows I (370F)
Track 10: Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering 10-1-1: Two-Phase Heat Transfer in Energy Systems (361B) 10-44-2: ASME-AIChE Max Jakob Award Lecture (362F) 10-11-2: Radiative Heat Transfer II (362F)
10-11-1: Radiative Heat Transfer I (361F) 10-13-2: Thermal Metrology Techniques II (370A)
10-12-1: Fundamentals of Nondiffusive Heat Transport (362E) 10-16-2: Multi-Phase Studies (370C)
10-13-1: Thermal Metrology Techniques I (362F) 10-18-2: Heat Transfer Equipment for Energy Efficiency Improvement - II (370B)
10-16-1: Single-phase studies (370C) 10-43-2: Photogallery II: Specification of Droplet Phenomena (362E)
10-18-1: Heat Transfer Equipment for Energy Efficiency Improvement - I (370A)
10-19-1: Heat and Mass Transfer in Fundamental Combustion and Flame Scenarios (371C)
10-2-1: Analysis of Cooling, Heating and Power Systems/Components-I (361C)
10-23-1: High Heat Flux Thermal Management (371E)
10-27-1: Data Center Thermal Management (372B)
10-34-1: Heat and Mass Transfer in Built Environment (371F)
10-36-1: Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Heat Transfer I (372A)
10-38-1: Fundamentals of Heat Transfer, Double-Diffusive Convection, and Non-newtonian Fluids (372C)
10-39-1: Inverse Problems, Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization (372D)
10-4-1: Waste Heat Recovery: Application (361D)
10-43-1: Photogallery I: Specification of Heat Transfer (371D)
10-5-1: Heat Transfer Analysis in Solar Energy Systems (361E)
10-7-1: Thermophysical Properties of Gases, Solids and Liquids (372E)
10-8-1: Fundamentals of Single Phase Convection (362C)
10-9-1: Heat Transfer Enhancement Through Surface Modifications (362D)
Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Fluids 12-50-1: Plenary Session (362A) 12-1-1: IiSS session 1: Dynamic stability (370D) 12-1-2: IiSS Session 2: Stability of Thin-Walled Structures (370D)
12-15-1: Liquid-Crystalline and Light-Sensitive Active Polymers (371A) 12-15-2: Shape-Memory Polymers: Modeling and Applications 1 (371A)
12-16-1: Coupled Mechanics (370B) 12-24-2: Time-Dependent Materials and their Composites (371B)
12-19-1: Mechanics of Soft Biomaterials (370C) 12-27-2: Drucker Medalist Symposium II (371C)
12-24-1: Time-Dependent Materials and their Composites (371B) 12-3-2: Adhesion and Friction of Functional Materials (370E)
12-27-1: Drucker Medalist Symposium I (371C) 12-34-2: Multi-Field Studies in Heterogeneous Materials:
12-3-1: Adhesion and Friction of Soft Materials (370E) Experimental, Theoretical and Numerical Approaches II (371D)
12-34-1: Multi-Field Studies in Heterogeneous Materials: 12-36-2: Multifunctional and Micro/Nano-Structured Materials (II) (371E)
Experimental, Theoretical and Numerical Approaches I (371D) 12-37-2: Deformation and Failure of Energy Materials II (371F)
12-36-1: Multifunctional and Micro-/Nanostructured Materials (I) (371E) 12-38-2: Mechanics in Cells and Vesicles (372A)
12-37-1: Deformation and Failure of Energy Materials I (371F) 12-44-2: Dynamic Failure of Advanced Materials-2 (372B)
12-38-1: Mechanics of Biological Tissues (372A) 12-47-2: Individual Team Reports and Path Forward (372C)
12-44-1: Dynamic Failure of Advanced Materials-1 (372B) 12-9-2: Multi-scale Computations in Fluids, Structures, and Materials 2 (370F)
12-47-1: Challenge Overview and Individual Team Reports (372C)
12-8-1: Deformation and Fracture (370A)
12-9-1: Multi-scale Computations in Fluids, Structures, and Materials 1 (370F)
Track 13: Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging 13-10-1: Applied Mechanics and Materials (372F) 13-15-1: Quality and Reliability in Electronics and Photonic Packaging (380A) 13-13-1: NEES Panel on the Role of Nano in the Water-Energy Nexus (361B)
13-3-1: Plenary Session: Electronics and Photonics Packaging (362B) 13-4-1: Analysis, Processes, and Technology 1 (372E) 13-17-1: Manufacturing, Materials and Processes in Electronics and Photonics
13-5-1: Computational Studies on MEMS and Nanostructures I (372D) Packaging (380A)
13-7-1: Sensors (372F) 13-4-2: Analysis, Processes, and Technology 2 (372E)
13-5-2: Computational Studies on MEMS and Nanostructures II (372D)
13-7-2: Fabrication and Structure (372F)