Page 46 - ASME_IMECE_2015_Program
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Technical Program At-A-Glance
10:30am–12:00pm 11:30am–2:30pm 1:15pm–2:45pm 3:30pm–5:00pm
Track 1: Advances in Aerospace Technology 1-1-2: Plenary Session II (380D) 1-13-2: Peridynamics Modeling II (360C) 1-15-1: Turbine and Blade Aerodynamics and Performance (360C)
1-12-1: Next Generation Aircraft Technologies (360B) 1-2-2: Advances in Aerodynamics II (360A) 1-7-1: High Temperature Materials and Structures (360A)
1-13-1: Peridynamics Modeling I (360C) 1-9-1: Lightweight Sandwich Composites and Layered Structures I (360B) 1-9-2: Lightweight Sandwich Composites and Layered Structures II (360B)
1-14-1: Propulsion (360D)
1-2-1: Advances in Aerodynamics I (360A)
Track 2: Advanced Manufacturing 2-14-1: Visualization, Informatics, and Digital Manufacturing Technologies (360E) 2-11-1: Computational Modeling and Simulation for Advanced Manufacturing - 1 (361A) 2-11-2: Computational Modeling and Simulation for Advanced Manufacturing - 2
2-12-1: Robotic Machining Processes (360E) (361A)
2-13-1: Sustainable Manufacturing (360D) 2-4-1: Design Optimization (360D)
2-6-1: Advanced Forming-1 (360F) 2-4-6: Applications (360E)
2-8-1: Advanced Sensing, Measurement, and Process Control in Manufacturing - 1 2-5-2: Advanced Machining and Finishing - 2 (372D)
(361B) 2-6-2: Advanced Forming-2 (360F)
2-8-2: Advanced Sensing, Measurement, and Process Control in Manufacturing - 2
Track 3: Biomedical & Biotechnology Engineering 3-10-3: Computational Modeling and Device Design 3 (361F) 3-10-4: Computational Modeling and Device Design 4 (361F) 3-10-5: Computational Modeling and Device Design 5 (361F)
3-11-1: Sport Biomechanics I (361E) 3-11-2: Sport Biomechanics II (361E) 3-12-1: Quantative Bioemdical Image Analysis (361E)
3-15-3: Materials in Medicine (362A) 3-15-4: Bone as a Material (362A) 3-15-5: Therapeutic Engineering (362A)
3-2-3: Brain Injury: Modeling and Experimentation - II (361C) 3-2-4: Tissue and Cell Characterization (361C) 3-2-5: Extremities and Torso Injury Analysis (361C)
3-3-1: Diagnostics and Therapy (360F) 3-8-2: Clinical Applications in Bioiengineering II: Modeling and Analysis (361D) 3-8-3: Clinical Applications in Bioiengineering III: Device Design (361D)
3-4-1: Biomedical Ultrasound (361A)
3-6-1: Bioinspired and Biomimicked Materials and Processing (361B)
Track 4: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control 4-1-2: Plenary Presentation Professor Delbert Tesar, University of Texas at Austin 4-11-1: Smart Structures and Structronic Systems: Sensing, Energy Generation and 4-11-2: Smart Structures and Structronic Systems: Sensing, Energy Generation and
(362B) Control I (370B) Control II (370B)
4-13-2: Multibody Dynamic System Applications (362E) 4-13-1: Multibody Dynamic Systems (362E)
4-16-1: Measurement and Analysis Techniques in Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (362F) 4-2-2: General II (370C)
4-2-1: General I (370C) 4-3-2: Nonlinear Dynamics, Control, and Stochastic Mechanics II (362B)
4-3-1: Nonlinear Dynamics, Control, and Stochastic Mechanics I (362B) 4-4-1: Design of Mechanical Systems (362F)
4-5-1: Design and Control of Robots, Mechanisms and Structures I (362C) 4-5-2: Design and Control of Robots, Mechanisms and Structures II (362C)
4-7-1: Renewable Energy, Structural Health Monitoring, and Distributed Structural 4-7-2: Renewable Energy, Structural Health Monitoring, and Distributed Structural
Systems I (370A) Systems II (370A)
4-8-1: Fluid-Structure Interaction I (362D) 4-8-2: Fluid-Structure Interaction II (362D)
Track 5: Education and Globalization 5-1-1: Curriculum Innovations, Pedagogy and Learning Methodologies- I (362C) 5-10-1: Teaching Laboratories, Machine Shop Experience, and Technology-Aided
5-11-1: Societal and Ethical Dimensions of Engineering (370A) Lecturing (370E)
5-3-1: Engineering Accreditation/Assessment and Problem Solving in Engineering 5-1-2: Curriculum Innovations, Pedagogy and Learning Methodologies- II (371A)
Education (362D) 5-12-1: Education Research Innovation and Computation (Session Dedicated to
5-5-1: Applied Mechanics, Dynamic Systems and Control Engineering (362E) ASME Scholars) (370F)
5-6-1: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Experiments and Energy Systems-I (362F) 5-6-2: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Experiments and Energy Systems-II (370D)
Track 9: Fluids Engineering Systems & Technologies 9-3-1: Electric and Thermal Phenomena in Microgravity on the International Space 9-10-1: Fluid Measurement (371C) 9-12-2: YEP II (371B)
Station (370B) 9-12-1: YEP I (370E) 9-14-2: Multiphase Flow with Bio-applications II (380D)
9-14-1: Multiphase Flow with Bio-Applications I (371A) 9-3-3: Electric, Magnetic, and Thermal Phenomena in Micro and Nanoscale
9-3-2: Electric and Thermal Phenomena in Micro and Nanoscale Systems II (370F) Systems III (371C)
9-7-1: Symposium on Wind Turbines: Aerodynamics and Control (371B)
Track 10: Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering 10-13-3: Simulation Methods for Nanoscale Heat Conduction I (370C) 10-13-4: Simulation Methods for Nanoscale Heat Conduction II (371D) 10-13-5: Electron-Phonon Coupling, Transport, and Non-Equilibrium (371D)
10-19-2: Heat and Mass Transfer in Industrial and Applied Combustion (370D) 10-19-3: Heat and Mass Transfer in Fire Scenarios (371E) 10-2-2: Analysis of Cooling, Heating and Power Systems/Components-II (371E)
10-34-2: Heat Transfer in Built Environment and Under Extreme Conditions (370F) 10-27-2: Heat Sinks (371F) 10-38-3: Combustion and General Heat Transfer (372A)
10-4-2: Waste Heat Recovery: Component Design and Analysis (371A) 10-38-2: Energy and Phase Change Heat Transfer (372A) 10-9-3: Condensation Heat Transfer (380A)
10-43-3: Photogallery III: Specification of Flow Visualization (370E)
10-9-2: Nucleation and Bubble Dynamics (380B)
Track 12: Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and 12-1-3: IiSS session 3: Stability in Multi-physics problems (372C) 12-1-4: IiSS session 4: Material stabiltiy problems (372C) 12-50-2: Plenary Session (372B)
Fluids 12-16-2: Modeling and Simulation (371C) 12-20-2: 3D Printed Soft Metamaterials (372E)
12-19-2: Mechanics of Biological and Bioinspired Soft Materials (371D) 12-21-2: Soft Electronics: Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (II) (372F)
12-20-1: 3D Printed Soft Active Materials (372E) 12-25-2: Dynamics and Fatigue in the Oilfield (372B)
12-21-1: Soft Electronics: Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing (I) (371E) 12-8-3: Unconventional Shape Forming (372D)
12-23-1: Symposium on Mechanics of Integrated Structures and Materials in
Advanced Technologies (371F)
12-25-1: Mechanics of Hydraulic Fracturing (372B)
12-28-1: Medalist Symposium (372F)
12-3-3: Adhesion and Friction at the Nanoscale (371B)
12-8-2: Mechanics and Multiphysics (372D)
Track 13: Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and 13-1-1: Nanostructured Materials (372A) 13-19-1: Emerging Technologies in Electronics and Photonics Packaging (380A) 13-14-1: Fluid Engineering in Micro- and Nanosystems - I (372E)
Packaging 13-3-2: Emerging Opportunities in MultiSensory Systems (380A) 13-6-1: Applications of Micro and Nano Systems in Medicine and Biology (380C) 13-21-1: Nanomaterials for Porous Media (372F)
13-1-1: Nanostructured Materials (372A) 13-6-2: Electro Applications of M/NEMS in Medicine and Biology (372C)
13-3-2: Emerging Opportunities in MultiSensory Systems (380A)
13-1-1: Nanostructured Materials (372A)
13-3-2: Emerging Opportunities in MultiSensory Systems (380A)
Track 17: Virtual Podium (Posters) 17-18-1: Society-Wide Micro
and Nanotechnology Forum
(Hilton of the Americas,
Grand Ballroom)
Track 19: Advances in Multidisciplinary Engineering 19-5-1: Axiomatic Design Theory and Methodologies (380C) 19-2-1: Surface Topography, Properties, and Mechanics (380B)
19-5-2: Axiomatic Design Applications for Innovative Design (380C)
Track 20: NSF Student Competition 20-1-1: NSF Student
Competition (Hilton of the
Americas, Grand Ballroom)