Page 4 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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ASME is pleased to announce an important change to its
                           Training & Development (T&D) Business Unit.

We are re-branding as ASME Learning & Development (L&D) with a brand new name
and logo to reflect exciting new directions to renew our commitment to forge lifelong

             learning relationships with engineers and technical professionals.

                                                    YOUR LIFELONG
                                                    ENGINEERING LEARNING PARTNER

   What’s in a name?
                Plenty… if you’re the new
            ASME Learning & Development

          The name change to ASME Learning & Development is emblematic
            of ASME’s significant strategic change of focus, which includes:

   • Pursuing new technologies to support a state-of-the-art eLearning platform,
           coupled with cutting-edge, “experiential learning” methodologies

        • Providing career guidance and enablement at the critical touchpoints
                                        of the engineer’s career

          • Renewing our commitment to forge lifelong learning relationships
                with engineers and technical professionals throughout the
                                   different stages of their career.

        • Increasing individual’s breadth of skills beyond the technical towards
                                 becoming a “complete engineer”

This new ASME L&D will offer more choices – providing a holistic solution to help
          bridge gaps, expand horizons and personalize career progression.

   e American  Society  of  Mechanical  Engineers®

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