Page 9 - LD_Catalog_Spring18_NA
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MANAGING PEOPLE                                                     PAGE   FEB.             MARCH                     APRIL        MAY                JUNE

PD475  The Engineering Manager: Engaging Today’s Workforce          47 Nasvhille 12-13                              Bellevue 9-10                   Houston 18-19

PD506  Effective Management of Research and Development Teams        48     Nashville 12-14                          Bellevue 9-11
       and Organizations

PD676  Strategic Thinking                                           47      Nashville 14                             Bellevue 11                     Houston 20
PD685  The Engineering Manager: Engaging Today's Workforce and      47     Nashville 12-14                          Bellevue 9-11                   Houston 18-20
       Strategic Thinking Combo Course (combines PD475 and
       PD676) SAVE UP TO $510!

MANAGING PROJECTS                                                   PAGE   FEB.             MARCH                   APRIL          MAY              JUNE           LIVE COURSE CALENDAR AND INDEX � SPRING 2018

PD467  Project Management for Engineers and Technical                  49                                           Bellevue 9-11 Las Vegas 21-23

PD496  Preparing for the Project Management Professional            49 Bellevue 12-13 Las Vegas 24-25
       Certification Exam

PD513  TRIZ: The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving                50                      Las Vegas 5-7           New Orleans

PD620  Core Engineering Management                                  50 Nashville 12-15

PD629  Project Management Combo Course (combines PD467              49 Bellevue 9-13 Las Vegas 21-25
       and 496) SAVE UP TO $755!

NUCLEAR                                                             PAGE   FEB.              MARCH                   APRIL            MAY           JUNE

PD184  BPV Code, Section III, Division 1: The Code and Regulation      53                   Las Vegas 5-8           Bellevue 9-11  Chicago 14-17
       ASME Standards Course Top Seller                                                                             New Orleans    Chicago 14-18

PD192  BPV Code: Section XI: Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power  54     Nashville 12-16                              23-25      New Orleans
PD389  Plant Components ASME Standards Course                       57     Nashville 12-14                                               11-12
PD606  Nondestructive Examination - Applying ASME Code              56
PD615  Requirements (BPV Code, Section V)                           53                              Las Vegas 5-6                  Chicago 14-17
PD632  ASME Standards Course                                        55                               Houston 19-21
       NQA-1 Requirements for Computer Software Used in                    Nashville 12-15                                         Chicago 17-18
       Nuclear Facilities ASME Standards Course                                                                                    Chicago 14-16
       Nucleart Piping Systems: BPV Code Section III and B31.1:
       Design, Integrity-Operability Assessment and Repairs                                                                        Chicago 14-17
       ASME Standards Course
       Design in Codes, Standards and Regulations for Nuclear
       Power Plant Construction ASME Standards Course

PD633  Overview of Nuclear Codes and Standards for Nuclear          55                      Las Vegas 5-6
PD634  Power Plants ASME Standards Course                           58
PD635  Comparison of Global Quality Assurance and Management        57
PD644  Systems Standards Used in Nuclear Application                54
       ASME Standards Course
       ASME NQA-1 Quality Assurance Requirements for Nuclear
       Facility Applications ASME Standards Course
       Advanced Design and Construction of Nuclear Facility
       Components per BPV Code, Section III
       ASME Standards Course

PD675  ASME NQA-1 Lead Auditor Training                             56 Nashville 12-15

PD711  ASME NQA-1 and DOE Quality Assurance Rule 10 CFR 830         58                      Las Vegas 5-7                          Las Vegas 21-23
       ASME Standards Course

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