Page 102 - ASME_IMECE_2019_Program
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    12:09pm – FFT Peak Density Pattern and Its Relation to         12:09pm – Bioinspired Routes to Damage Tolerant
    Scatterer Size and Volume Ratio in Ultrasound Analysis of      Materials: Unique Microstructure and Fracture Properties
    Tissue Phantoms                                                of Enamel in the Mammal-Like Grinding Dentition of a
    Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-11760                        Hadrosaurid Dinosaur
    Koushik Paul, Leila Ladani, University of Texas at Arlington,  Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13127
    Arlington, TX, United States                                   Soumya Varma, Manish Jain, University of Nevada Reno,
                                                                   Reno, NV, United States, Yi Teng Lee, Exxon Mobil, Kuala
    4-5 BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE:                                   Lumpur, Malaysia, Shane Johnson, University of Nevada
    MODELLING, SYNTHESIS, FABRICATION                              Reno, Reno, NV, United States, Brandon A. Krick, Lehigh
    AND CHARACTERIZATION                                           University, Bethlehem, PA, United States, Gregory M.
                                                                   Erickson, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United
    4-5-1 Microstructural, Mechanical and Cryogenic                States, Johann Michler, Daniele Casari, Jakob Schwiedrzik,
                                                                   EMPA, Thun, Bern, Switzerland, Shraddha J. Vachhani,
    Properties of Biomaterials                                     Bruker Nano Surfaces, Minneapolis, MN, United States,
                                                                   Siddhartha Pathak, University of Nevada, Reno, Reno, NV,
    Convention Center, 355B     10:45AM–12:30PM                    United States

    Session Organizer: Seyed Allameh, Northern Kentucky
    University, Newport, KY, United States

    Session Co-Organizer: Karen Chang Yan, The College of New      4-7 DYNAMICS AND CONTROL OF
    Jersey, Ewing Township, NJ, United States                      BIOMECHANICAL SYSTEMS

    10:45am – Cryogenic Material Properties of                     4-7-1 Dynamics and Control of Biomechanical
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10180                   Systems I
    Amrit Sagar, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, United States,
    Christopher Nehme, Qiagen Sciences LLC, Waltham, MA,           Convention Center, 255B  10:45AM–12:30PM
    United States, Anil Saigal, Tufts University, Medford, MA,
    United States, Thomas P. James, Rose-Hulman Institute of       Session Organizer: Dumitru Caruntu, University of Texas Rio
    Technology, Terre Haute, IN, United States                     Grande Valley, Edinburg, TX, United States

                                                                   Session Co-Organizer: Davide Piovesan, Gannon University,
                                                                   Erie, PA, United States

    11:06am – Effect of Photoactivated Cross-Linking               10:45am – Effect of Obesity on Human Squat Exercise
    Compound on Mechanical Properties of Porcine Carotid           Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11233
    Arteries Post-Angioplasty                                      Dumitru Caruntu, Simon Vasquez, Jose Galarza, Jennifer
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11661                   Ramos, Michael Sander, University of Texas Rio Grande
    Farshad Mogharrabi, Jonathan D. Kuhlenhoelter, University      Valley, Edinburg, TX, United States
    of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, Blake Anderson,
    Katalin Kauser, Alucent Biomedical Inc., Salt Lake City, UT,   11:06am – Temperature Regulated Sleeve for Leg
    United States, Kenneth L. Monson, University of Utah, Salt     Prosthesis
    Lake City, UT, United States                                   Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10984
                                                                   Rachel Grubbs, Matthew Yough, Olivia Rose, Anthony P.
    11:27am – Quantifying Mechanical Properties of PCL-            Lee, Teresa Sicree, Saeed Tiari, Davide Piovesan, Gannon
    Based Nanofiber Mats Using Atomic Force Microscopy              University, Erie, PA, United States
    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11944
    Allison White, Amanda DeVos, Amr Elhussein, Jack Blank,        11:27am – Design and Fabrication of a Universal Gripper
    Kalyani Nair, Bradley University, Peoria, IL, United States    for Children With Special Needs
                                                                   Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10992
    11:48am – On the Bending and Tensile Tests of a Single         Ajay Kumar Vijaya Kumar, Emily E. Schweitzer, Gannon
    Human Hair                                                     University, Erie, PA, United States, Julie Bear, Barber National
    Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12800                        Institute, Erie, PA, United States, Davide Piovesan, Gannon
    Hironori Tohmyoh, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan     University, Erie, PA, United States

                                                                   11:48am – Energetics of Load Carriage by Bamboo
                                                                   Carrying Poles
                                                                   Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10584
                                                                   Yuning Xu, Lianxin Yang, Ken Chen, Jiwen Zhang, Tsinghua
                                                                   University, Beijing, China, Chenglong Fu, Southern University
                                                                   of Science and Technology, China, Beijing, China

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