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4-3-2 Biomedical Characteristics and                           4-4-2 Biomedical Imaging, Therapy and Tissue

Characterisation                                               Characterization II

Convention Center, 255C               2:00PM–3:45PM            Convention Center, 255F           2:00PM–3:45PM

Session Organizer: Toshihiko Shiraishi, Yokohama National      Session Organizer: Xiaoning Jiang, NC State University,
University, Yokohama, Japan                                    Raleigh, NC, United States

Session Co-Organizer: Peyman Honarmandi, Manhattan             Session Co-Organizer: Assimina Pelegri, Rutgers, The State
College, Riverdale, NY, United States                          University of New Jersey, East Brunswick, NJ, United States

2:00pm – Spatial Variations in Achilles Tendon Shear Wave      2:00pm – Influence of Human Hair Medulla in Solar UV
Speed Using a Cost-Effective Method of Accelerometers          Transmission Through Skin
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11001                   Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10405
Muhammad Salman, Conghui Ge, Clint Morris, Kennesaw            Xiyong Huang, Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Michael D. Protheroe,
State University, Marietta, GA, United States                  Andrew N. Chalmers, Auckland University of Technology,
                                                               Auckland, New Zealand, Sharad P. Paul, University of
2:21pm – A Fast Estimation Model for Angular Spectrum          Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, Xiang Fu, Auckland
Based Focused Ultrasound Wave Simulation in Layered            University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Tissue Media
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11088                   2:21pm – An Improved Holographic Microwave Breast
Tariq Arif, Weber State University, Ogden, UT, United States,  Imaging Based on Deep Neural Network
Zhiming Ji, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ,    Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10910
United States                                                  Lulu Wang, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen, China

2:42pm – A Study of Mechanosensing of an Osteoblast            2:42pm – Miniaturized Ultrasound Transducer Composed
at Focal Adhesions Under Cyclic Strain Using Magnetic          of a Composite of Multiple Piezoelectric Stacks
Micropillars                                                   Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-12208
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11132                   Howuk Kim, Huaiyu Wu, Leela Goel, Xiaoning Jiang, North
Toshihiko Shiraishi, Kota Nagai, Yokohama National             Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, United States
University, Yokohama, Japan

3:03pm – Study of Frequency Response of Micropillar            3:03pm – Laser Ablation Tomography for 3D Tissue Imaging
Based Acoustic Wave Sensors                                    and Analysis
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12514                        Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-12282
Siqi Ji, Hamed Esmaeilzadeh, Junwei Su, University of          Asheesh Lanba, Benjamin Hall, L4iS, State College, PA,
Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States, Majid         United States
Charmchi, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Jamaica Plain,
MA, United States, Hongwei Sun, University of Massachusetts    4-5 BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE:
Lowell, Lowell, MA, United States                              MODELLING, SYNTHESIS, FABRICATION
                                                               AND CHARACTERIZATION

3:24pm – The Ultrasonic Backscatter Amplitude Decay            4-5-2 Modeling, Hyperelastic Characterization and
Constant (BADC): Relation to Young’s Modulus, Yield
Strength, and Ultimate Strength of Human Cancellous            Dynamic Behavior of Biomaterials
Undergrad Expo. IMECE2019-12769                                Convention Center, 355B           2:00PM–3:45PM
Aubrey Gray, Phoebe C. Sharp, Brent K. Hoffmeister,
Rhodes College, Memphis, TN, United States                     Session Organizer: Karen Chang Yan, The College of New
                                                               Jersey, Ewing Township, NJ, United States

                                                               Session Co-Organizer: Anil Saigal, Tufts University, Medford,
                                                               MA, United States

                                                               2:00pm – A Constitutive Material Model With Strain-Rate
                                                               Dependency for Brain Tissue
                                                               Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10742
                                                               Mohammad Hosseini Farid, Mohammadreza Ramzanpour,
                                                               Mariusz Ziejewski, Ghodrat Karami, North Dakota State
                                                               University, Fargo, ND, United States

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