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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13                                           11:48am – Improving the Performance of Centrifugal
                                                                 Pumps in Serial and Parallel Configurations Using Digital
8-13 FLUIDS ENGINEERING PLENARIES                                Twins
                                                                 Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-12038
8-13-1 Plenary Session I   8:45AM–9:30AM                         Andrés L. Carrillo Peña, Jeffer S. Eugenio Barroso,
Convention Center, 155D                                          Alberto A. Martinez Vesga, Universidad Autónoma de
                                                                 Bucaramanga, Bucaramanga, Colombia, Sebastian Roa
8:45am – Using Uncertainty Quantification With HPC to             Prada, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga,
Reconcile Models and Measurements                                Floridablanca, Santander, Colombia, Victor A. Ardila Acuña,
Plenary Presentation. IMECE2019-14000                            Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Bucaramanga,
Philip Smith, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United     Santander, Colombia
                                                                 12:09pm – Hydrodynamic Coefficients for an
8-13-2 Plenary Session II                                        Extraterrestrial Submarine
                                                                 Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10257
                           9:45AM–10:30AM                        Hani Alhasni, Ona Thornquist, Shafquat Tanvirul Islam, New
                                                                 York University, Brooklyn, NY, United States, Peter Garrison,
9:45am – The Smallest Fluids Technologies for the Largest        Aerologic, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Iskender Sahin,
Fluids Challenge: Microfluidics for Energy and the                New York University, Brooklyn, NY, United States
Plenary Presentation. IMECE2019-14001                            8-11 19TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM
David Sinton, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada         ON MEASUREMENT AND MODELING OF
                                                                 ENVIRONMENTAL FLOWS AND WIND

8-9-4 Industrial Flows and Fluid Measurement &                   8-11-1 19th International Symposium on

Instrumentation                                                  Measurement and Modeling of Environmental Flows

Convention Center, 250F    10:45AM–12:30PM                       and Wind Turbine Aerodynamics and Control

Session Organizer: Ravinder Yerram, GE Power, Houston, TX,       Convention Center, 250E  10:45AM–12:30PM
United States
                                                                 Session Organizer: S.A. Sherif, University of Florida,
Session Co-Organizer: Alexandrina Untaroiu, Virginia Tech,       Gainesville, FL, United States
Charlottesville, VA, United States
                                                                 Session Co-Organizers: Kashif Nawaz, Oak Ridge National
10:45am – The Effect of Crosswind Velocity on the Spray          Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, United States, Majid Rashidi,
Drift of Flat Fan Nozzle                                         Cleveland State University, Pepper Pike, OH, United States,
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-12049                     Jinkook Lee, Eaton, Concord, OH, United States, Jaikrishnan
Saqib Raza, Khaled Sallam, Oklahoma State University, Tulsa,     Kadambi, Case Western Reserve University, Richmond
OK, United States, Scott Post, Lincoln Agritech, Christchurch,   Heights, OH, United States, Upendra Rohatgi, Brookhaven
New Zealand                                                      National Laboratory, Upton, NY, United States

11:06am – Experimental Investigation of Water Emulsion           10:45am – Analytical and Numerical Modeling of Soil
Fuel Stability                                                   Cutting and Transportation During Auger Drilling Operation
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10258                     Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10311
Gurjap Singh, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States,  Mohamed Ahmed Aboelftooh Abdeldayem, Mohamed
Elio Lopes, Universiade do Estado de Santa Catarina, Santa       Hussien Mabrouk, Mootaz Abo-Elnor, Military Technical
Catarina, Brazil, Nicholas Hentges, Albert Ratner, University    College, Cairo, Egypt
of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States
                                                                 11:06am – An Interpolation-Based Boundary Scheme for
11:27am – Effect of Phase Change Material on Temperature         the Finite Volume Discrete Boltzmann Method on
in a Room Fitted With a Windcatcher                              Unstructured Grids
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10553                     Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-11732
Peter Abdo, B. Phuoc Huynh, Ali Braytee, Rahil Taghipour,        Leitao Chen, Laura Schaefer, Rice University, Houston, TX,
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia               United States, Hamid Sadat, University of North University,
                                                                 Denton, TX, United States

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