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8-3 25TH SYMPOSIUM ON FUNDAMENTAL 2:21pm – Investigation of Conduit Flow Past Corrugated
ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES IN FLUID Structures Using Large Eddy Simulations
MECHANICS Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11273
Sushrut Kumar, Ujjwal Suri, Paras Sachdeva, Rajkumar
8-3-2 25th Symposium on Fundamental Issues and Singh, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India
Perspectives in Fluid Mechanics – II 2:42pm – Computational Evaluation of a Novel
Aerodynamic Road Vehicle Design and Drag Reduction
Convention Center, 258 2:00PM–3:45PM Using Vortex Generators
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11319
Session Organizer: S.A. Sherif, University of Florida, B.B. Arora, Ujjwal Suri, Utkarsh Garg, Delhi Technological
Gainesville, FL, United States University, New Delhi, Delhi, India, Shraman Das, Delhi
Technological University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, Sushrut
Session Co-Organizer: David Davis, NASA Glenn Research Kumar, Delhi Technological University, New Delhi, Delhi, India
Center, Cleveland, OH, United States
3:03pm – Modeling and Analysis of Noise Barrier Shape
2:00pm – Finite Element Method for Fluid Flow in 3D Effects on Highway Automobiles Emission Dispersion
Domains Containing Moving Interfaces Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11355
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10016 Shaoguang Wang, Xiuling Wang, Purdue University
A.K.M. Monayem Mazumder, Saginaw Valley State University, Northwest, Hammond, IN, United States
Saginaw, MI, United States
3:24pm – Numerical Verification of the Thermodynamic
2:21pm – A DNS Study on Roughness-Induced Transition in Determination of the Hydraulic Efficiency of Radial Fans
Oscillating Pipe Flow by Employing Overset Methodology Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11417
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-12300 Philipp Epple, Manuel Fritsche, Coburg University of Applied
Ali A. Abdulrasool, Yongho Lee, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Sciences, Coburg, Bavaria, Germany, Felix Reinker, Stefan
University, Daytona Beach, FL, United States aus der Wiesche, Müenster University of Applied Sciences,
Steinfurt, Germany
2:42pm – Fully Transient Model of a Hydraulic Accumulator
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11343
Filipp Kratschun, Andris Rambaks, Katharina Schmitz,
RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, NRW, Germany
3:03pm – Application of a Hybrid RANS-LES Method to Free 8-6 MICROFLUIDICS 2019 – FLUID
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10618 NANOSYSTEMS
Pietro Catalano, Italian Aerospace Research Center, Capua,
Italy 8-6-3 Fundamentals and Applications in
Micro/Nanofluidics I
3:24pm – A Numerical Study of Laminar and Intermittently Convention Center, 259 2:00PM–3:45PM
Turbulent Boundary Layer on an Oscillating Flat Plate Using
Pseudo-Compressible RANS Model Session Organizer: Sanjin Ryu, University of Nebraska-
Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-12727 Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States
Shivank Srivastava, Brandon M. Taravella, Kazim Akyuzlu,
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, United States Session Co-Organizer: Brian D. Iverson, Brigham Young
University, Provo, UT, United States
8-4 SYMPOSIUM ON CFD APPLICATIONS 2:00pm – Pressure Drop in Circular Two-Phase Pipe Flow
FOR OPTIMIZATION AND CONTROLS as Influenced by the Angle of Inclination
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-11352
8-4-2 Symposium on CFD Applications for Bethany Worl, Samuel Nielson, Xiuling Wang, Purdue
University Northwest, Hammond, IN, United States
Optimization and Controls – II
Convention Center, 255B 2:00PM–3:45PM 2:21pm – Thermal Gradient Gas Chromatography System
for Narrowing and Improving Peak Shapes
2:00pm – A Natural Evolution Based Numerical Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13730
Optimisation Framework to Develop and Enhance Brian D. Iverson, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, United
Airfoil-Slat Arrangement States, Samuel Avila, Brigham Young University, Orem, UT,
Technical Paper Publication. IMECE2019-10846 United States
Sushrut Kumar, Delhi Technological University, Delhi, India,
Priyam Gupta, Delhi Technological University, Noida, Uttar 2:42pm – Optofluidic Waveguide Using Oil-Impregnated
Pradesh, India, Rajkumar Singh, Delhi Technological Nanoporous Surfaces as Cladding Layers
University, Delhi, India Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13285
90 Kaustubh Asawa, Santosh Kumar, Yuping Huang, Chang-
Hwan Choi, Stevens Institute of T
United States