Page 16 - Amalina Raihan (E-modul OLCC)
P. 16
Dear Gigih,
Due to the English Debate Competition 2018 event on 1
December 2018, at Dubai, please come to the selection of English
Debate Competition 2018.
The top three students will become UNA’s Delegate and
compete with others top
students in the world. I believe that you have the quality to pass
the selection.
Best regards,
Atim Sekarwangi
5. What is the purpose of the invitation text above?
A. To invite Arum attend the selection of English Debate
Competition 2018
B. To invite Gigih join the internal selection process
C. To invite someone join the English Debate Competition 2018
at Dubai
D. To inform Gigih the selection of English Debate Competition
E. To invite someone join the internal selection process
6. “The top three students will become UNA’s delegate and
compete with others…” The word “become” has synonym to …
A. Participate
B. Watch
C. Register
D. See
E. Having Teamwork