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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

         Aspek Sosial [B.3]
         Social Aspect

                                                   2022                   2021               2020

            Ketenagakerjaan |  Manpower
            Jumlah Karyawan (Orang)                        90                     55                    1
            Total Employees (Persons)
            Jumlah Pelatihan Karyawan (Jumlah)              -                      -                    -
            Total  Employee Trainings
            Masyarakat |  Public
            Jumlah Program CSR (Jumlah)                     2                       1                   1
            Total CSR Programs
            Realisasi Anggaran Biaya CSR (Rupiah)      Rp115.000.000    Rp75.000.000         Rp10.000.000
            CSR Budget Realization (Rupiah)
            Pelanggan |  Costumers
            Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan             Belum ada |            Belum ada |          Belum ada |
            (Persen/Level)                  There is not one yet   There is not one yet   There is not one yet
            Customer Satisfaction Survey

          Company Profile


          Perusahaan [C]

          Informasi terkait Profil Perusahaan yang memuat    Information related to the Company Profile which
          keterangan mengenai visi, misi, dan nilai keberlanjutan;   contains information regarding the vision, mission and
          alamat  perusahaan;  skala  usaha  yang  mencakup   values of sustainability;  company’s address;  business
          total aset, jumlah karyawan, nama dan persentase   scale which includes total assets, number of employees,
          pemegang saham; wilayah operasional; produk        name and percentage of shareholders;  operational
          layanan dan kegiatan usaha; seluruhnya dapat dilihat   area;  service products and business activities;  all of
          pada uraian-uraian dalam Bab  “Profil Perusahaan”  di   which are presented in the “Company Profile” Chapter
          antaranya:                                         including:

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