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Feedback Sheet [G.2]
Thank you for reading the 2022 Sustainability Report of PT 6. What is the most useful information from this
Multi Medika Internasional Tbk. To improve the contents Sustainability Report?
of the Sustainability Report in the coming years, we hope
that you would like to fill out this Feedback Sheet by
circling one answer of each statement and filling in the
blanks provided, and subsequently send it to us.
1. This Sustainability Report has provided clear
information regarding the economic, social and
environmental performance of PT Multi Medika
Internasional Tbk: 7. What information is considered less useful in this
a. I agree Sustainability Report?
B. I disagree
C. I do not know
2. This Sustainability Report has provided clear
information regarding the fulfillment of social and
environmental responsibilities of PT Multi Medika
Internasional Tbk:
a. I agree
B. I disagree
8. What information is considered lacking in this
C. I do not know
Sustainability Report and should be added to the
next Sustainability Report?
3. The material and data in this Sustainability Report
are easy to read and understand:
a. I agree
B. I disagree
C. I do not know
4. The material and data in this Sustainability Report
are quite complete:
a. I agree
b. I disagree
c. I do not know
Sender Identity
5. Are the designs, layout, graphics and photos in this
Sustainability Report good? Name :
a. I agree Email :
b. I disagree Phone :
c. I do not know
Identifikasi menurut kategori pemangku kepentingan
a. Customer c. Shareholders e. Work partners g. Public
b. Employee/ d. Government, Regulator, f. Mass media h. Others, please specify
Employee Organization Legislature
Please kindly send this feedback sheet to:
PT Multi Medika Internasional Tbk
Soho Capital, Podomoro City Land
Lantai 32, Suite 3205a
Jl. Let Jen S. Parman Kav 28, Jakarta Barat,
Indonesia tel:+6281519198888 78