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Kilas Kinerja                     Laporan Manajemen                 Profil Perusahaan
                     Performance Highlights            Management Report                 Company Profile

          Education and/or Training for the Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors,
          Committees, Corporate Secretary, and Internal Audit Unit

          Pendidikan dan/atau Pelatihan

          Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Komite-Komite,

          Sekretaris Perusahaan, dan

          Unit Audit Internal

          Sepanjang tahun 2022, belum terdapat pelatihan dan   Throughout 2022, there were not any training and
          Pendidikan yang diikuti baik oleh Dewan Komisaris,   education programs attended by the Board of
          Direksi, Sekretaris Perusahaan, maupun komite-     Commissioners, Board of Directors, Corporate Secretary,
          komite yang berada di bawah Dewan Komisaris        or committees under the Board of Commissioners and
          maupun Direksi.                                    Board of Directors.

          Human Resources

          Sumber Daya


          Proses Rekrutmen                                   Recruitment Process

          Pengelolaan SDM Perusahaan dimulai dari proses     Management of the Company’s human resources
          rekrutmen yang didasarkan pada jumlah kebutuhan    begins  with  the  recruitment  process  based  on  the
          untuk memenuhi pengembangan struktur organisasi,   number of needs to meet the development of the
          lalu diikuti dengan pengembangan kompetensi,       organizational structure, then followed by competency
          penilaian dan memberikan kompensasi kepada         development, assessment and compensation to
          karyawan, memperhatikan hubungan kerja, kesehatan,   employees, paying attention to work relations, health,
          keamanan dan keadilan tanpa memandang ras,         safety and justice regardless of race, religion
          agama, dan gender.                                 and gender.

          Perusahaan melakukan proses rekrutmen melalui      The Company conducts a recruitment process through
          proses perencanaan kebutuhan karyawan di mana      an employee needs planning process in which the HR
          bagian SDM akan menganalisa dan mengevaluasi       department first analyzes and evaluates employee
          kebutuhan karyawan terlebih dahulu dan kemudian    needs and then submits proposals for HR needs to the
          mengajukan usulan kebutuhan SDM ke Direksi. Setelah   Board of Directors.  After obtaining approval from the
          mendapat persetujuan Direksi, pelaksanaan rekrutmen   Board of Directors, recruitment can be carried out by the
          dapat dilakukan Perusahaan.                        Company

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