Page 156 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 156

Fixing technology

         Approvals and Certificates

         European Technical Approval  National approval from the Insti-  Shock approval from the Federal  Factory Mutual (FM), U.S.
         (ETA) with CE marking      tut for Structural Engineering),  Office for Civil Protection, Bern,  approval for the installation of
                                    Berlin                    Switzerland               sprinkler systems

         Suitability for the installation of  Endorsed by VdS Schadensver-  Fire protection tested in   Identifies the anchors that are
         sprinkler systems conforming to  hütung GmbH for the installation  accordance with DIN 4102-2,  approved for absorbing
         VdS (Schadensverhütung     of sprinkler systems.     Fire Resistance Classes   fatigue-related (dynamic) effects
         GmbH).                                               F30/R30, F60/R60, F90/R90,

         Material for stainless steel (A4)  Identifies the anchors that can be
                                    evaluated with the MKT design

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   156
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