Page 158 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 158

Fixing technology

          All-Purpose Plug

          • For through-bolt mountings
          • For secure attachment in concrete, solid and perforated bricks
          • Knotting of the plug in hollow spaces

                                                               Technical Data  *Recommended load in kN
                                                               Screw     Con-  Lightw.  Solid  Perfor.  Solid sand-
                                                               Ø mm      crete* concrete  brick*  sand-  lime
          Article No.  Dimension         Article No.   Qty                    PB4*            lime brick* brick*
          8100 5     5 × 29        F     8100P 5      1000     3,0 - 3,5  0,28  0,15   0,15   0,15     0,15
          8100 6     6 × 33        F     8100P 6      1000     3,0 - 4,0  0,45  0,15   0,25   0,20     0,25
          8100 8     8 × 46        W     8100P 8       500     4,0 - 6,0  1,00  0,40   0,80   0,35     0,80
          8100 10    10 × 56       H     8100P 10      250     6,0 - 8,0  1,10  0,50   0,90   0,50     0,90
          8100 12    12 × 65        f    8100P 12      200     8,0 - 10,0  1,30  0,60  0,95   0,60     0,95
          8100 14    14 × 70       g     8100P 14      120     10,0 - 12,0  2,40  0,82  1,10  0,85     0,85

         All-Purpose Plug with Flange

          • The cap or flange prevents sliding of the plug into the hollow space
          • For flush mounting
          • For secure attachment in concrete, solid and perforated bricks
          • Knotting of the plug in hollow spaces
                                                               Technical Data  *Recommended load in kN
                                                               Screw     Con-  Lightw.  Solid  Perfor.  Solid
                                                               Ø mm      crete*  concr.  brick*  sand-  sand-lime
          Article No.  Dimension         Article No.   Qty                     PB4*          lime brick* brick*
          8101 5     5 X 29        F    8101P 5       1000     3,0 - 3,5  0,28  0,15   0,15  0,15     0,15
          8101 6     6 X 33        F    8101P 6       1000     3,0 - 4,0  0,45  0,15   0,25  0,20     0,25
          8101 8     8 X 46        W    8101P 8        450     4,0 - 6,0  1,00  0,40   0,80  0,35     0,80
          8101 10    10 X 56       H    8101P 10       250     6,0 - 8,0  1,10  0,50   0,90  0,50     0,90
          8101 12    12 X 65        f   8101P 12       150     8,0 - 10,0  1,30  0,60  0,95  0,60     0,95
          8101 14    14 X 70       g    8101P 14       120     10,0 - 12,0  2,40  0,82  1,10  0,85    0,85

         Multipurpose Plug 4 MZ

         • For through-bolt mountings
         • For secure attachment in concrete, solid and perforated bricks
         • Knotting of the plug in hollow spaces

                                                              Technical Data  *Recommended load in kN
                                                               Scr.      Concr.* L. concr. Solid Perf. sand- Solid
          Article No.  Article Description             QTY     Ø mm             PB4*   brick* lime brick* sand-l. brick*
          8105 6     MULTIPURPOSE PLUG 4MZ 6           500     3,0 - 4,5  0,30  0,06   0,16  0,22    0,26
          8105 6 40  MULTIPURPOSE PLUG 4MZ 6X40        400     3,0 - 4,5  0,72  0,12   0,27  0,21    0,51
          8105 8     MULTIPURPOSE PLUG 4MZ 8           200     3,5 - 6,0  0,52  0,14   0,43  0,27    0,59
          8105 10    MULTIPURPOSE PLUG 4MZ 10          100     6,0 - 8,0  1,56  0,25   0,68  0,31    1,07
          8105 12    MULTIPURPOSE PLUG 4MZ 12           50     8,0 - 10,0  2,02  0,39  -    0,42     1,31
          8105 14    MULTIPURPOSE PLUG 4MZ 14           50     10,0 - 12,0  -   0,59   -    0,33     -

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   158
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