Page 373 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 373

Chemical products for construction

         High Temperature Silicone

         • Elastic joint sealant, specifically for high thermic stresses up
           to +280 °C
         • Resistant to a range of chemicals such as fuel, oil, grease,
           anti-freeze etc.
         • Can be used to seal boilers, air conditioners, kitchen appliances,
           pumps, motors as well as for washing machine and dryer
         Processing instructions:
         • Adhesive surfaces have to be clean, dry, dust- and grease-free
         • In case of doubt, make a contact test
         • Use silicone primer (Art-No. 6830 8299) beforehand for delicate
           surfaces such as aluminium, copper, chrome

          Technical Data
          Raw material base:     silicone polymer
                                 low modulus acetate
          Max. permanent movement
          absorption             20 %
          Skin formation time:   after approx. 7 mins
          Temperature resistant:  -60°C to + 280°C
          Processing temperature:  +5°C to + 35°C
          Colour:                rust red
          Shelf life:            12 months (at temp. betw. +5°C
                                 and +25°C)

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          6990 1 310  C(310ML)HIGH-TEMPERAT.SILICONE    25

         Air Duct Sealant

          • Ideal for sealing purposes in air duct construction
          • Corresponds to VDI 6022/1 (hygienic requirements for ventilation units)
          • Antifungal and antibacterial
          • Overpaintable
          • Silicone-free
          • Not corrosive
          • Specifically suitable to seal air ducts, air shafts, air conditioning units
           and ventilation units
          Processing instructions:
          • Joints have to be free from dust, oil and grease.
          • The joint has to be protected from rain, dirt and heavy mechanical
           stresses for as long as it takes to form a solid surface skin.
          • The joint may only be cleaned with neutral, lightly lubricating media.
           Never use aggressive or abrasive cleaners.
          • Adherence to DIN and VDI regulations is inevitable to ensure
           professional processing.

          Technical Data
          Raw material base:     acrylate-dispersion
          Skin formation:        approx. 5 min
          Hardening:             approx. 2 mm per 24 h
          Shore A-hardness:      30
          Processing temperature:  +5 °C to  + 40 °C
          Temperature resistance:  -20 °C to + 75 °C
          Shelf life:            18 months if stored in a cold,
                                 frost-free condition
          Colour:                silver grey

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          6880 10 310  C(310ML)AIR DUCT SEALANT         25

        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   373
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