Page 424 - Icon Ridge Hardware & Fixing Technology Catalog
P. 424

Chemical products for construction

         Express Window Sealant

         • Ready for use, single-component polyurethane adhesive foam for
           sealing gun                                             Your Advantage / Benefit
         • For quick and easy bonding of mud-covered window and facade
           sealing tapes                                         Significant time and cost savings
         • Meets the requirements of the installation guidelines for the RAL-  Each can yields foam for 30 linear metres
           Community of Goods Window and Entry Door e.V.         Short drying time of approx. 60 min
         Installation instructions:                              Workable down to -5 °C substrate temperature
         • FÖRCH 5* Express Window Sealant is applied in beads  on the base  Suitable for bonding to slightly damp surfaces
           surface or the window tape.
                                                                 Easy to work due to handy 500 ml can
         • For optimum adhesion, the mud-covered window tape is pressed  Excellent adhesion to almost all mineral base surfaces
           into the adhesive coat about 3 to 5 minutes after application of the  Very low emmission: EMICODE®-EC 1 Plus
         • The window tape to be applied is pressed into the pre-cured
           adhesive foam using a PE or wooden spatular
         • The window tape must adhere completely to the wall surface (min.  Application
           75 % contact)
         • Ud-covered window tape with FÖRCH 5* Express Window Sealant
           can be glued down to a substrate temperature of -5 °C. At
           temperatures below 0 °C there may be a reduction in the flow rate
           and curing of the foam adhesive is delayed
         • Suitable cleaner: FÖRCH Unviversal Cleaner PU (Art-No. 6800

          Technical Data
          Basic material:         Polyurethane, single component
          Colour:                 green
          Building material class
          as per DIN 4102 – part 1:  Class E
          Application rate        approx. 30 linear metres
                                  depending on base surface
          Tack-free:              after approx. 10 min.
          Curing time:            approx. 60 min.,depending on
                                  temperature and ambient
          Processing temperature
          (ambient and base surcace):  -5 °C to +35 °C / ideally  20 °C
          Processing temperature
          tin:                    min. +5 °C to +25 °C

          Article No.  Article Description             QTY
          6800 8230    EXPRESS WIND.SEAL. 500ML 5*     e 16

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        Technical data subject to change.
        Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.  Source: Theo Förch GmbH & Co. KG                   424
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