Page 221 - Industrial Tools Catalog (3)
P. 221

Environment + disposal \ Part cleaning devices
                     part cleaning device, mobile
                      for 50 litre drums with head plug connection

         Application:                      Notes:
         for mobile cleaning at varying locations — with a   Ident. No. 035, 037: FREE SERVICE: Contaminated
         large work surface.               cleaning fluids are collected free of charge when a
                                           new drum is delivered. A certified waste disposal
         Execution:                        company will be responsible for collection.
         ƒ device can be moved on wheels like a sack truck  Ident. No. 036: FREE SERVICE: contaminated
         ƒ connection of a 50-l cleaning agent drum by means   cleaning fluids are collected free of charge when a
          of a head tap connection         new drum is delivered. a certified waste disposal
         ƒ Ident. No. 036–037:             company will be responsible for collection.
          ƒ including cleaner
          ƒ GS-tested in this combination  Technical data:
                                           ƒ Width x depth x height (external dimension): 800 x
         Advantage:                         615 x 1020 mm
         ƒ portable and manoeuvrable       ƒ Working height: 920 mm
         ƒ the leverage of a sack truck makes it user-friendly   ƒ Working surface: 790 x 490 mm  Ident. No. 036
          and easy to operate              ƒ Load-carrying capacity: 100 kg
                                           ƒ Suitable for container: 50 litres
         Delivery:                         ƒ Container connection: Top plug
         Ident. No. 035: part cleaning device, pump, brush.   ƒ Operating voltage: 230 V/AC/DC
         Ident. No. 036–037: part cleaning device, pump,   ƒ Colour: Blue
         brush and cleaner.
          Version                          Solo device  With Purgasol  With EL/Extra
          part cleaning                      035        036         037
          device, mobile  50058...  Ident. No.  ● +      ●           ●
          Purgasol   50058...     Ident. No.  055       055          -
          cleaner                            ● +         ● +
          EL/Extra   50058...     Ident. No.  060        -          060
          cleaner                            ● +                    ● +
         Prod. Gr. 559
                     part cleaning device with large work surface and high load-bearing capacity
                      for 200 litre drums with jacket plug connection

         Application:                      brush, collection tray and cleaner.
         ideal for cleaning, especially large and heavy parts.
         Execution:                        FREE SERVICE: Contaminated cleaning fluids
         ƒ Connection of a 200 l cleaning agent drum by   are collected free of charge when a new drum is
          means of a mantle tap connection  delivered. A certified waste disposal company will be
         ƒ at workbench height with very large work surface.  responsible for collection.
         ƒ Ident. No. 026–027:
          ƒ including cleaner              Technical data:
          ƒ GS-tested in this combination  ƒ Width x depth x height (external dimension): 1145 x
                                            670 x 1050 mm
         Advantage:                        ƒ Working height: 870 mm
         ƒ strong, solid construction for durability.  ƒ Working surface: 1135 x 660 mm
                                           ƒ Load-carrying capacity: 250 kg
         Delivery:                         ƒ Suitable for container: 200 litres         Ident. No. 026
         Ident. No. 025: part cleaning device, pump, brush   ƒ Container connection: Sheath plug
         and collection tray.              ƒ Operating voltage: 230 V/AC/DC
         Ident. No. 026–027: part cleaning device, pump,   ƒ Colour: Blue
          Version                          Solo device  With Purgasol  With EL/Extra
          part cleaning
          device with
          large work
          surface   50058...      Ident. No.  025       026         027
          and high
          Purgasol   50058...     Ident. No.  057       057          -
          cleaner                            ● +         ● +
          EL/Extra   50058...     Ident. No.  062        -          062
          cleaner                            ● +                    ● +
         Prod. Gr. 559

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                              1647
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations
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