Page 226 - Industrial Tools Catalog (3)
P. 226
Environment + disposal \ Steel collection trays
Collection tray for small containers
Steel, galvanised
Application: Execution:
For the proper and safe storage of small cask trays, Galvanised 3 mm sheet steel design
approved for inflammable liquids of GHS catego-
ries 1–3 as well as water-hazardous liquids of GHS Technical data:
categories 1–4. Declaration of conformity in acc. with StawaR: Yes
Ident. No. 022, 026, 030, 034, 038
(Without containers)
Ident. No. 024, 028, 032, 036, 040
(Without cans, canisters, containers)
Without perfo-
Version rated sheet grate With perforated
sheet grate
Surface Galvanised Galvanised
Collection volume (l) Length x width x height 50060... 50060...
Ident. No. Ident. No.
20 940 x 370 x 60 mm 022 ○ 024 (○) +
25 940 x 470 x 60 mm 026 (○) + 028 (○) +
30 1000 x 600 x 70 mm 030 (○) + 032 (○) +
40 1390 x 600 x 60 mm 034 (○) + 036 (○) +
60 1850 x 600 x 60 mm 038 (○) + 040 (○) +
Prod. Gr. 5AI
Collection tray for small containers
Galvanised steel, suitable for use with Euro pallets
Application: Execution:
For the proper and safe storage of small containers, Galvanised 3-mm sheet steel design
approved for inflammable liquids of GHS catego-
ries 1–3 as well as water-hazardous liquids of GHS Technical data:
categories 1–4. Ideal for storing small containers on Declaration of conformity in acc. with StawaR: Yes
Combination of: 2 x ref. no. 311, 1 x ref. no. 313 +
perforated metal plate
Ref. no. 315
Surface Galvanised
Collection volume (l) Length x width x height 50060...
Ident. No.
20 600 x 400 x 120 mm 311 ○
40 800 x 600 x 120 mm 313 ○
60 1200 x 800 x 100 mm 315 ○
Prod. Gr. 5AI
h Perforated metal plate on request
Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
1652 Technical data subject to change.
Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations