Page 230 - Industrial Tools Catalog (3)
P. 230

Environment + disposal \ Steel collection trays
                                                                                Surface  Lacquered  Galvanised
                                                                                 Colour  Light blue RAL
              With grating     Collection volume (l)  Length x width x height  For compartment width (mm)  50060...  50060...
                                                                                     Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                 No                 240          2150 x 1300 x 225 mm     2200        456  (○) +  458  (○) +
                 No                1000          2150 x 1300 x 505 mm     2200        462  (○) +  464  (○) +
                 No                 240          2650 x 1300 x 210 mm     2700        468  (○) +  470  (○) +
                 No                 540          2650 x 1300 x 300 mm     2700        474  (○) +  476  (○) +
                 No                1000          2650 x 1300 x 435 mm     2700        480  (○) +  482  (○) +
        Prod. Gr. 5AI

        Mobile collection trays for 60-litre and 200-litre drums
         Made from steel

        Application:                      ƒ Ident. No. 611–616: Roller Ø 100 mm, structural
        For safe storage and filling and for mobile applica-  height 125 mm
        tions. Approved for flammable liquids in GHS catego-  ƒ Ident. No. 621–686: Roller Ø 180 mm, structural
        ries 1–3 and liquids which pose a hazard to water in   height 220 mm
        GHS categories 1–4.               ƒ Ident. No. 671–686: With profiled edges on both
        Execution:                         sides - therefore particularly robust       Ident. No. 681
        ƒ 3-mm thick welded sheet steel structure  Technical data:
        ƒ With removable, galvanised grating  ƒ With container rest: No
        ƒ Optional drum support for horizontal storage of   ƒ With sliding handle: Yes
         drums and for filling            ƒ Declaration of conformity in acc. with StawaR: Yes
        ƒ 2 steering rollers and 2 fixed castors made from
         polyamide, 1 steering roller with locking device
                                                                                Surface  Lacquered  Galvanised
                                                                                 Colour  Flame red RAL
            With grating  Collection volume (l)  Length x width x height  Max. number of 60-litre  Max. number of 200-litre  50060...  50060...
                                                         containers (PCS)  containers (PCS)  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
              Yes             61        800 x 500 x 415 mm   2               -        611   ○    616   ○
              Yes             203       800 x 800 x 1115 mm   -              1        621   ○    626   ○
              Yes             211       1200 x 800 x 1015 mm  -              2        631   ○    636   ○
              Yes             202       1920 x 800 x 1115 mm  -              3        641   ○    646   ○
              Yes             215       870 x 800 x 1110 mm   -              1        671   ○    676   ○
              Yes             225       1200 x 800 x 1110 mm  -              2        681   ○    686   ○
        Prod. Gr. 5AI

        Collection tray for small containers
          Made from PE, suitable for Euro pallets

        Application:                      Execution:
        Storage of small containers in line with regulations.   ƒ Constructed from robust polyethylene
        Resistant to acids, alkaline solutions and oils and   ƒ Collection trays are combinable and matched to
        other non-flammable media.         pallet dimensions

                                                                                      Ident. No. 702, 710

                                                                               (Without container or perforated grating)
                                                                                            Colour   Blue
               With grating        Collection volume (l)  Length x width x height  Load-carrying capacity (kg)  50060...
                                                                                                 Ident. No.
                  No                    20               600 x 400 x 170 mm         55           702   ○
                  No                    30               800 x 400 x 170 mm         55           703   ○
                  No                    40               800 x 600 x 170 mm         105          704   ○
                  No                    60               1000 x 600 x 175 mm        205          706   ○
                  No                    100              1200 x 800 x 175 mm        205          710   ○
        Prod. Gr. 5AI

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        1656  Technical data subject to change.                  
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations
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