Page 229 - Industrial Tools Catalog (3)
P. 229

Environment + disposal \ Steel collection trays
          Collection tray for IBC containers
           Steel, with grating

         Application:                        ƒ With galvanised grating (carrying capacity 1000
         Prescribed storage of IBC containers and drums, for   kg/m ) 2
         flammable liquids in GHS categories 1-3 and liquids     ƒ declaration of compliance (ÜHP) pursuant to
         which pose a hazard to water in GHS categories 1-4.  StawaR
         Execution:                        Technical data:
         ƒ 3-mm thick welded sheet steel structure    ƒ Declaration of conformity in acc. with StawaR: Yes
         ƒ 100 mm ground clearance                                                Ident. No. 283 (without containers)

                                                                                 Surface  Lacquered  Galvanised
                                                                                  Colour  Light blue RAL
            With grating  With bottling   Collection volume (l)  Length x width x   Max. number of   Max. number of   50060...  50060...
                         attachment                 height   200-litre containers   1000-litre con-  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                                                                 (PCS)    tainers (IBC) (PCS)
              Yes          No           1000    1460 x 1460 x 620   -          1       280   (○) +  288  (○) +
              Yes          No           1000    2650 x 1300 x 435   -          2       281   (○) +  289  (○) +
              Yes          No           1000    2690 x 1650 x 375   10         2       282   (○) +  290  (○) +
              Yes          No           1000    3850 x 1300 x 340   -          3       283   (○) +  291  (○) +
         Prod. Gr. 5AI
          Collection tray for shelving system

         Application:                      Execution:
         for adjusting in common pallet shelving systems.    ƒ 3-mm thick welded sheet steel structure
         for the proper and safe storage of barrels for     ƒ 100 mm ground clearance
         flammable liquids in GHS categories 1–3 and liquids
         which pose a hazard to water in GHS categories 1–4.  Technical data:
                                           ƒ Declaration of conformity in acc. with StawaR: Yes
                                                                                       Example application

                                                                                         Ident. No. 465

                                                                                 Surface  Lacquered  Galvanised
                                                                                  Colour  Light blue RAL
               With grating     Collection volume (l)  Length x width x height  For compartment width (mm)  50060...  50060...
                                                                                       Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                  Yes                240          1750 x 1300 x 250 mm     1800        453   (○) +  455  (○) +
                  Yes                240          2150 x 1300 x 225 mm     2200        459   (○) +  461  (○) +
                  Yes               1000          2150 x 1300 x 505 mm     2200        465   (○) +  467  (○) +
                  Yes                240          2650 x 1300 x 210 mm     2700        471   (○) +  473  (○) +
                  Yes                540          2650 x 1300 x 300 mm     2700        477   (○) +  479  (○) +
                  Yes               1000          2650 x 1300 x 435 mm     2700        483   (○) +  485  (○) +
         Prod. Gr. 5AI

         Application:                                      Execution:
         for adjusting in common pallet shelving systems.  ƒ 3-mm thick welded sheet steel structure
         for the proper and safe storage of barrels for flammable liquids in GHS categories  ƒ 100 mm ground clearance
         1–3 and liquids which pose a hazard to water in GHS categories 1–4.
                                                           Technical data:
                                                              ƒ Declaration of conformity in acc. with StawaR: Yes

                                                                                 Surface  Lacquered  Galvanised
                                                                                  Colour  Light blue RAL
               With grating     Collection volume (l)  Length x width x height  For compartment width (mm)  50060...  50060...
                                                                                       Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                  No                 240          1750 x 1300 x 250 mm     1800        450   (○) +  452  (○) +
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                              1655
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations
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