Page 378 - Icon Ridge Industrial Tools Catalog
P. 378

Milling tools monoblock \ Solid carbide milling cutter, advanced materials
                        Solid carbide HSC compression milling cutters

         VHM                           HSC
                   γ = 5°
        Application:                      ƒ Diamond coating
        With this tool, the spiral changes from left to right,   ƒ Straight shank in accordance with DIN 6535 HA
        which leads to the axial cutting forces being com-    ƒ 3 spiral changes available
        pressed at a centred point. The tools are available in
        three lengths to ensure compression always occurs   Advantage:
        in the centre of the workpiece. This allows delami-  ƒ Spiral change from left to right
        nation issues to be more effectively dealt with. HSC   ƒ Simultaneous drawing and pushing cut
        compression milling cutters are especially suitable
        for machining epoxy resin or polyester-based plas-  ƒ Opposing flutes with chip breakers
        tics with carbon or glass fibres and make it possible   ƒ Axial cutting forces run together in the middle
        to manufacture surfaces in finishing quality (ra < 2   Notes:
        µm).                              You can find detailed information on the usage value
        Execution:                        of this tool on our online shop.
        ƒ Solid carbide ultra-fine grain
          Application  Steel (N/mm ) 2  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
            No.   <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
         16658300-410                                               400  600
                                                                                           Surface Diamond coating
                                                                                     Tool holding device HA parallel shank
                                                                                Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  h10
                                                                                    Tolerance of shank Ø  h6
                                                                                     fz alu ˜ (mm)  16658...
                                                                                                 Ident. No.
              mm             mm             mm            mm             mm
               6             13             4              57             6             0.06     300   ●
               6             13             6.5            57             6             0.06     310   ●
               6             22             11             60             6             0.06     320   ●
               8             19             6              63             8             0.1      330   ●
               8             19             9.5            63             8             0.1      340   ●
               8             32             16             78             8             0.1      350   ●
              10             22             7              72            10             0.15     360   ●
              10             22             11             72            10             0.15     370   ●
              10             35            17.5            78            10             0.15     380   ●
              12             26             8              83            12             0.2      390   ●
              12             26             13             83            12             0.2      400   ●
              12             40             20             83            12             0.2      410   ●
        Prod. Gr. 108
                        Solid carbide HSC milling cutter - CFRP/GFRP
                         5 flutes, uncoated / diamond-coated

                    Z                HA
         VHM                                      HSC
                    5    0°  γ = 14°
        Application:                      ƒ Ident. No. 505, 515, 525, 535, 545, 555, 565,   Ident. No. 500, 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560,
        HSC end mill for machining CFRP/GFRP materials   575: Diamond coating             570
        with large flutes and synchronous chip breakers.
        Execution:                        ƒ Large flutes with synchronous chip breakers
        ƒ Solid carbide ultra-fine grain  ƒ Continuous cutting, good chip removal
        ƒ Straight shank in accordance with DIN 6535 HA  ƒ Straight grooves, no tensile forces on the   Ident. No. 505, 515, 525, 535, 545, 555, 565, 575
        ƒ Ident. No. 500, 510, 520, 530, 540, 550, 560,   workpiece
         570:                             Notes:
         ƒ uncoated                       You can find detailed information on the usage value
         ƒ Polished surface
                                          of this tool on our online shop.
          Application  Steel (N/mm ) 2  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
            No.   <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
         16658500-570                                                    220
         16658505-575                                                    220
                                                                                Surface  Uncoated  Diamond coating
                                                                         Tool holding device HA parallel shank HA parallel shank
                                                                    Tolerance of cutting edge Ø  h10  h10
                                                                        Tolerance of shank Ø  h6     h6
                                                               Z (PCS)    fz alu ˜ (mm)  16658...  16658...
                                                                                     Ident. No.  Ident. No.
             mm           mm           mm           mm
              2            7           40           6            5           0.14     500   ●    505   ●
              3           12           50           6            5            0.2     510   ●    515   ●
              4           14           40           6            5           0.28     520   ●    525   ●
              5           16           50           6            5           0.33     530   ●    535   ●
              6           18           50           6            5           0.42     540   ●    545   ●
              8           20           63           8            5           0.55     550   ●    555   ●
             10           25           72           10           5            0.7     560   ●    565   ●
             12           30           83           12           5            0.8     570   ●    575   ●
        Prod. Gr. 108

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        378   Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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