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P. 480

Lathe tools \ Technical introduction–turning - ISO turning
        The following chip breakers are available for the cemented carbide grades HC75.. and HC78..
                         FM – chip breaker optimised for shallow  MM – the universal one with very posi-  RM – The robust one with soft cut!
                         cutting depths!             tive geometry!
        Insert           Chip breaker for high surface qualities   Universal very positive chip breaker for a   Robust chip breaker with a wide infeed
                         when smoothing steel and stainless steel  broad infeed range for machining stainless  range for unfavourable cutting conditionsƒ
                                                     steel and special alloys   in stainless steel
        Advantages       ƒ Chip breaker with very positive curved     ƒ Very good chip control and chip     ƒ Very soft cut for deep cutting depths with
                           geometry ensures low cutting forces and   compression and excellent surfaces  good surface quality
                           very good chip control      ƒ Optimised chip breaker against burr    ƒ For deep cutting depths and high feeds
                         ƒ Optimised chip breaker against tempera-  formation    yet achieving very soft chip deformation
                           ture and ridge cracks       ƒ Optimised contact surfaces ensure good  ƒ  Optimised contact surfaces ensure good
                         ƒ Optimised contact surfaces ensure good   heat dissipation  heat dissipation
                           heat dissipation
        Cutting forces
        Surface quality
                                      M                          M                           M
                            16                         16                         16
                           a  ( mm )  p  10  FM       a  ( mm )  p  10  MM        a  ( mm )  p  10  RM
                                                             MM                   6,3    RM
                            4                          4                           4
                            2,5                        2,5                        2,5
                            1,6                        1,6                        1,6
                            1                          1                           1
                           0,63                        0,63                       0,63
                            0,4              R 0,5     0,4              0,04      0,4               0,3
                           0,25          18°30'        0,25         20°   R 1,2   0,25         20°
                            0,16                       0,16                       0,16          10°
                            0,1                        0,1                        0,1
                            0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5
                                      f ( mm )                    f ( mm )                   f ( mm )
                                                  Positive                             NEW INNOVATION
                         FU1 – ground extremely positive chip   FP – extremely positive cutting opti-  MP – the universal robust one!
                         breaker for universal smoothing!  mised for smoothing and fine lathing!
        Insert           Very positive chip breaker optimised for   Very positive chip breaker optimised for   Very positive chip breaker for medium
                         shallow cutting depths and high surface   shallow cutting depths and high surface   infeeds with high cutting edge stability
                         qualities.                  qualities.
        Advantages       ƒ Extremely low cutting forces and excel-    ƒ Very low cutting forces and good chip     ƒ Low cutting forces and high cutting edge
                           lent chip breaking         breakage                   stability in unfavourable conditions
                         ƒ Wide chip breakage scope for smoothing    ƒ Wide chip breakage scope for smoothing    ƒ Broad range of applications in long-chip-
                           and precision lathe machining  and precision lathe machining  ping steels, cast iron and authentic
                         ƒ Optimised geometry for long-chipping    ƒ Optimised geometry for long-chipping  stainless steel
                           steels and authentic stainless steel  steels and authentic stainless steel  ƒ Variable infeed area with controlled chip
        Cutting forces
        Surface quality
                                      M                          M                           M
                            16                         16                         16
                           a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  FU1  a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  FP    a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  MP
                            4                          4                           4   MP
                            2,5  FU1                   2,5                        2,5
                            1,6                        1,6                        1,6
                            1                          1                           1
                           0,63                        0,63                       0,63
                            0,4                        0,4                        0,4               0,1
                           0,25          18°           0,25         18°           0,25
                            0,16                       0,16                       0,16         12°
                            0,1                        0,1                        0,1
                            0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5
                                      f ( mm )                    f ( mm )                   f ( mm )
        Test results                                              Comparison of service life
        Workpiece:              Sealing plug
        Material:               X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2                 Competition
        Geometry:               DCMT 11T304-FM                    Number of components 400
        Cemented carbide grade:  HC7820
        Cutting data:           190 m/min
        Feed:                   0.18 mm/U                         HC7820                     50%
                                                                  Number of components 600
                    Cemented carbide grades ISO M
                     Latest ISO M type for high-performance machining of stainless steels for demanding serial users!
        ƒ Innovative cemented carbide substrate
        ƒ Very thin and form-fitting PVD coating
        ƒ Newly developed adhesive connection technology
        ƒ Micro-finishing
        ƒ Polished contact surfaces
                                            range of applications
          application  coating
                                01  05  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45
            ISO         CVD                   APM20T

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        480   Technical data subject to change.                                 
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