Page 497 - Icon Ridge Industrial Tools Catalog
P. 497

Lathe tools \ Technical introduction–turning - ISO turning

                      Selection of cemented carbide grade

         When selecting the cemented carbide grade, the following basic substrates   The various basic substrates can produce very hard qualities or a high level of
         are available to the user. A distinction is made between the following basic   toughness depending on the composition.
         substrates in terms of hardness and wear resistance:  ƒ Very hard substrates are identified by a low numeral P10
                                                          ƒ Very tough substrates are identified by a high numeral P30

                K     N                                          HC 7610
                                                                   P 05–15
                           S                                                 HC 7620
                                                                                P 15–25
                                                                                         HC 7630
                                 P                                                              P 30–35


         1                                                 1
            2                                                2
                     ① Hardness ② Toughness                          ① Hardness / wear resistance / cutting speed
                                                                         ② Toughness / breaking strength
                                                          As illustrated in the diagram, hard substrates can only be used under favourable
            Good cutting conditions                       cutting conditions. These substrates are very hard and wear-resistant but will
                                                          break under difficult cutting conditions. In the case of unfavourable cutting
            Average cutting conditions                    conditions, we use very tough substrates that are highly impact-resistant but less
            Unfavourable cutting conditions

                      Cemented carbide key

         *HC 7620               ① H = Cemented carbide
                                ② C = Coated / W = uncoated
                                ③ 7 = Generation of cemented carbide quality
                                ④ ISO group 6 = P / 5 = M / 4 = K / 3 = N / 2 = S
                                ⑤ Depending on the ISO group P10 / P20 / P30
            1   2  3 4 5

         ACP 25 T-6             ① Brand: A = ATORN / O = ORION
                                ② C = Cemented carbide CVD coated
                                  P = Cemented carbide PVD coated
                                  W = Uncoated
                                  K = Ceramic / B = CBN / A = PKD
          1  2 3   4    5  6    ③ ISO group 6 = P / 5 = M / 4 = K / 3 = N / 2 = S
                                  U = General processing
                                ④ Code for the respective ISO group: P25
                                ⑤ Processing type: T = Turning
                                ⑥ Additional letter: Generation or additive for coating
         *note: ORION cemented carbide grades follow the same pattern, with the difference that an O is placed in front, e.g. OHC 7625

                      cemented carbide key WIDIA declaration


          1   2     3     4 5

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   497
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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