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P. 675

Lathe tools \ Technical introduction - knurling

                      Technical information, knurl pressing

         in knurl pressing, the material is subject to chipless deformation. The material is cold-formed via the knurling wheel and flows outwards. This forming process
         increases the diameter of the workpiece. The following list provides an overview of bulging for the various pitches and materials.
         the most suitable knurling materials are:
         ƒ All ferrous materials with a stability of max. 1700 N/mm2 and an elongation of at least 4 - 5%
         ƒ Non-ferrous base metals
         ƒ Hardwood
         ƒ Plastic corresponding to the requirements of the elongation and tensile strength
         An increase in diameter is a particular characteristic of knurl forming. A diameter increase of approx. 40% of the used knurling pitch is considered an empirical value
         for larger initial diameters. the initial diameter can be calculated according to the following formula:

                                           d2 = Starting diameter (rotation diameter) [mm]
                                           d1 = End diameter [mm]
                      d 2 = d 1 – (X · t)  X = The value X can be derived from the following table
                                           t = Pitch

          Knurl form                          Value X
          Parallel to axis, form AA            0.50
          Left knurl, form BL                  0.50
          Right knurl, form BR                 0.50
          Cross knurl, tips raised, form KE    0.67
          Cross knurl, tips recessed, form KV  0.33
          Left/right knurl, tips raised, form GE  0.67
          Left/right knurl, tips recessed, form GV  0.33

                      Application of knurl pressing and knurl cutting based on number of knurls

             Knurling            Description
                    ƒ For recess knurls with various recess profiles
                    ƒ Axial knurls are only possible with knurling wheels
                     of form AA                                            1xAA  RBL  1xBL  RGE30°  1xGV45°  1xGE30°  RGV45°  1xKV *  1xKE *
               1    ƒ Knurling tools for recess knurling are clamped at
                     90° and knurling tools for axial knurling at 88° to
                     the workpiece (prevention of material congestion
           Knurl pressing  ƒ For recess knurls with various recess profiles
                     towards front edge of the knurling wheel)
                    ƒ Axial knurls are only possible with knurling wheels
                     of form AA (knurling parallel to axis) and forms BL +
                     BR (left/right knurling)
               2    ƒ Knurling tools for recess knurling are clamped at    RAA  2xBR  RBR  1xBL30°  1xBL45°
                     90° and knurling tools for axial knurling at 88° to
                     the workpiece (prevention of material congestion
                     towards front edge of the knurling wheel)
                    ƒ Exclusively for knurls parallel to the axis (RAA)
                    ƒ For left-hand tools, a knurl cutter roller BL 30° is
                     used and for right-hand tools, a knurl cutter roller
                     BR 30°
               1    ƒ Tools must be clamped at right angles to the
                     workpiece                                              RAA  RBR 15°  RBL 15°
                                                                                       1x15° L
                    ƒ Marking points for the precise tip height are       1x30° (R/L)  1x15° R  RBR 30°
                                                                                 RBR 30°
                     indicated on the side of the head; for tools for CNC        1x90°  1x90°
                     machines, the top edge of the shaft is the reference
           Knurl cutting  ƒ Facilitates left/right knurling (RGE) with 30° and
                     with 45° spiral
                    ƒ For knurls RGE 30°, two knurl cutter rollers AA are
                     inserted into the tool; for RGE 45° knurls, one knurl
                     cutter wheel BR 15° and one knurl cutter wheel BL
               2     15°
                    ƒ The workpiece diameter and the exact tip height is   RGE 45°  RGE 30°
                                                                           1x15° R
                     set using the adjustment scale. Prior to the actual   1x15° L
                     milling process, guide the tool against the work-
                     piece and check whether the two knurl cutter rollers
                     engage simultaneously
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   675
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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