Page 163 - Industrial Tools Catalog (1)
P. 163

Reaming tools \ HSS/HSSE rivet hole and quick-helix reamers
                         High-helix taper pin machine reamers 1:50 (DIN 2179)
                          For universal use up to 1000 N/mm 2

         Application:                      Execution:
         for cutting tapered fit tolerances 1:50 for taper pins   ƒ 45° left-hand spiral, 1:50 taper and straight shank
         in accordance with DIN 258, DIN EN 22339, 28737,   with retaining lugs
         28736 on conventional machines and NC machines
         up to 1000 N/mm . 2               Advantage:
                                           ƒ good bore hole quality (dimensional tolerance,
                                            roundness, surface quality)
           Application  Steel (N/mm )  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
             No.    <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
            11674   12   9    7   8     7   17  17  17   17  13  13  13         11   5    5    5

                      Min. Ø (mm)  Max. Ø (mm)                                          f steel 1000 ˜  11674...
                                                                       h6                (mm/U)   Ident. No.
              mm                               mm         mm         mm
              1.5        1.4       2.14        70         37         2.1        2          0.1    015    ●
              2          1.9       2.86        86         48        3.15        3          0.1    020    ●
              2.5        2.4       3.36        86         48        3.15        3          0.1    025    ●
              3          2.9       4.06       100         58         4          3          0.1    030    ●
              4          3.9       5.26       112         68         5          3          0.1    040    ●
              5          4.9       6.36       122         73         6.3        3          0.1    050    ●
              6          5.9        8         160         105        8          3          0.1    060    ●
              6.5        6.4       8.78       188         119        8.5        3          0.15   065    ○
              8          7.9       10.8       207         145        10         3          0.15   080    ●
              10         9.9       13.4       245         175       12.5        3          0.2    100    ●
              12        11.8        16        290         210        16         3          0.2    120    ●
         Prod. Gr. 117

                      HSS hand reamers

         for manually producing H7 or 1/100 tolerances and reworking existing tolerances
         ƒ cost-effective alternative for manual work
         ƒ longer threaded start to correctly align the reamer
         ƒ Adjustable variants
         ƒ straight and spiralised versions
         ƒ square shaft serves as carrier
         ƒ universal application

                                                                            HSS       H7       0,001

                                         HSS hand reamers
                                          For universal use up to 1000 N/mm 2

          HSS   H7
                     7–8°  0°                                                  No. 11602 015–11602 400, 11604 015–11604
         Application:                      Execution:                                      400
         No. 11602 015–11602 400, 11604 015–11604 400:   ƒ 7-8° left-hand spiral, uneven pitch and long notch
         For cutting H7 fit tolerances manually in through   shape
         holes or with interrupted cutting conditions up to
         1000 N/mm . 2                     Advantage:                                     No. 11603
         No. 11603: For cutting H7 fit tolerances manually in   ƒ Good bore hole quality (dimensional tolerance,
         the blind hole up to 1000 N/mm . 2  roundness, surface quality)
           Application  Steel (N/mm )  Stainless steel  Alu  Brass  Bronze  Plas-  Graphite  GG(G)  Titan-  Nickel-  Super-  Hard mat.
             No.    <700  <1000  <1300  marten.  austen.  short  long  short  long  short  long  tics  G(C)FK  GjMW  alloy  alloy  alloy  <55 HRC <65 HRC
            11602   ˜    ˜   š    š     š   ˜   š    ˜   š   ˜   š   š          š    š   š
            11603   ˜    ˜   š    š     š   ˜   š    ˜   š   ˜   š   š          š    š   š
            11604   ˜    ˜   š    š     š   ˜   š    ˜   š   ˜   š   š          š    š   š

                                                                       Form     B          B           A
                                                                   Groove type  Left-hand twist,   Left-hand twist,   Straight
                                                                           11602...    11604...   11603...
                                                                           Ident. No.  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
             mm                    mm         mm                    mm
             1.5         H7         41         20         4         1.12   015    ●    015   ●     -     -
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   163
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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