Page 474 - Industrial Tools Catalog (1)
P. 474

Lathe tools \ Technical introduction–turning - ISO turning

                    Cemented carbide grades ISO P
                     Proven ISO P variety now even more powerful in series production processing

        ƒ Improved carbide substrate
        ƒ Nano-structured aluminium oxide
        ƒ Improved development of adhesive connection technology
        ƒ Extremely thick CVD coating
        ƒ Micro-finishing
        ƒ Wide range
        ƒ Innovative chip breaker RP5 new in the range!
                                            range of applications
          application  coating
                                01  05  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45
            ISO         CVD
             P                                HC7620


                                    HC7610                     HC7620                     HC7630
        Application             The productive one!         The universal one!          The robust one!
                          High-performance variety for machining in   High-performance variety for machining in   High-performance variety for machining in
                          steel and (cast iron) with very high hardness   steel and (cast iron) with medium hardness   steel with high toughness and wear resist-
                          and wear resistance for use in very good to   and wear resistance for use in moderate   ance for use in unfavourable conditions.
                                moderate conditions.          conditions.
        Application                  ˜š                         ˜š                          ˜
        Substrate                 P15 M10 K25                 P25 M20 K30                 P30 M30
        Grain size                  1–2 µm                     1–2 µm                      1–2 µm
        Type of coating          CVD, TiCN + Al2O3          CVD, TiCN + Al2O3          CVD, TiCN + Al2O3
        Coating thickness           18.5 µm                     15 µm                      15 µm
        Operating conditions      very good–good             good–moderate            moderate-unfavourable
        cutting speed

        The following chip breakers are available

                                                 Negative                         NEW INNOVATION
                         FP – the specialist for fine work!  MP – the universal one with a wide   RP5 – the robust one with soft cut!
                                                     infeed range!
        Application      Very positive chip breaker optimised for   Universal chip breaker suitable for a broad  Robust chip breaker in a wide infeed range
                         low cut depths and high surface qualities  infeed range for machining long-chipping   in unfavourable cutting conditions in steel
                                                     materials                  and GGG
        Advantages       ƒ Low cutting forces and good chip  ƒ Very good chip control and chip     ƒ Very soft cut for deep cutting depths
                           breakage even at low feed rates.  compression.         ƒ For deep cutting depths and high feeds
                         ƒ Can be used in both long-chipping and   ƒ Robust cutting edge design ensures good   yet achieving very soft chip deformation
                           short-chipping materials   results even in difficult machining condi-  with 3°
                         ƒ Optimised contact surface ensures good   tions with forging skin and impact load    ƒ Optimised contact surface ensures good
                           heat dissipation            ƒ Optimised contact surface ensures good   heat dissipation
                                                      heat dissipation
        Cutting forces
        Surface quality
                                      P                           P                          P
                            16                         16                         16
                           a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  FP   a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  MP    a  ( mm )  p  10 6,3  RP5
                            4                          4   MP                      4  RP5
                            2,5                        2,5                        2,5
                            1,6                        1,6                        1,6
                            1                          1                           1
                           0,63                        0,63                       0,63
                            0,4              0,1       0,4              0,04      0,4
                           0,25          19°           0,25         20°   R 1,2   0,25         17°
                            0,16                       0,16                       0,16
                                          5°                                                    3°
                            0,1                        0,1                        0,1
                            0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5  0,025 0,04  0,063 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,4 0,63  1  1,6 2,5
                                      f ( mm )                    f ( mm )                   f ( mm )
                         RP – the extremely robust one with low infeed!  WP – the chip breaker for optimal surfaces at high feeds!
        Insert           Very robust chip breaker with straight cutting edge for using   Special geometry for consistent surface quality at halved pro-
                         long-chipping materials (steel, cast iron) in extremely difficult   cessing speed
                         cutting conditions such as with forging skins and interrupted cuts
        Advantages       ƒ Geometry is optimised for medium infeeds at high cutting    ƒ Optimised contact surface ensures good heat dissipation
                           speeds and with high feeds
                         ƒ Optimised contact surface ensures good heat dissipation
        Cutting forces
        Surface quality
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        474   Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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