Page 380 - Icon Ridge Presents ATORN
P. 380

Modular milling tools \ Solid carbide interchangeable head system

                      ATORN interchangeable head system – the multifunctional milling system
                       high precision, rapid replacement, maximum productivity

        with the new, modular interchangeable head milling system, HAHN+KOLB has added a high-precision and
        powerful tool system to its machining tool range.
        increasing tool costs, more stringent requirements for process reliability and ease of operation continually
        call for new tool solutions. milling heads can be exchanged in the machine tool with simple and safe handling.
        this saves on setup costs and ensures reliable milling processes and outstanding milling results. the self-cen-
        tring thread and axial and radial layout ensure maximum precision. a wide range of proven geometries are
        available with the WKS interface. deliverable holder variants include cylindrical and conical holders in steel
        and solid carbide designs.

        fi elds of application:            fl exibility:
         for ISO material groups P, M, N, K, and H  modular system – the right tool for every application
         for rough machining and smoothing of all contours
         fl exible application in general mechanical engi-  cost advantage:
         neering, forming and tool construction, the auto-  short machine downtimes due to quick tool change
         motive industry and the aviation and aerospace
         industry                         geometries:
         perfect for use in series production  16 diff erent geometries in Ø 10 - 20 mm for milling in
         particularly suitable for multiple-spindle automatic  a wide variety of materials
         lathes without tool changer or lathes with driven
         tools                            holder:
        cost advantages:                  cylindrical and conical holders in short, long and ex-
                                          tra-long ensure productivity, precision and variability
         replacement of the head – sha�  remains
         up to 50 cycles per shank possible  stability and accuracy:
         interchangeable heads can be resharpened  highest stability and accuracy due to plan and cone
         quick replacement – reduced off -peak times  system with self-centring thread
                      ATORN interchangeable head system – the interface in detail
                       optimum power and positive locking through innovative design
        concentricity: concentricity accuracy of ±20 μm
        fl attening axial: provides the best rigidity
        cone: honed, guarantees the highest concentricity
        thread: special trapezoidal thread
        pilot: for high system stability

                       ATORN interchangeable head system – assembly instructions

                                                                               torques for mounting:
                                                                                   WK size    tightening torque
                                                                                    20             12
                                                                                    30             15
                                                                                    40             30
                                                                                    50             45

        1. clean the interface on the   2. screw the milling head   3. tighten the milling head with a
        milling head and tool holder  clockwise and hand-tighten into   torque wrench and the specifi ed
                               the interchangeable head holder   torques (see table) form-fi t
                               (note: DANGER risk of injury! use
                               gloves when mounting)

     Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
     Technical data subject to change.     
     Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.                            380

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