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P. 385

Modular milling tools \ Face milling cutters
                           High-performance 45° face milling cutter
                           For indexable milling inserts ONGU

          Application:                                       Normal and fi ne pitch deliverable
         High-performance face milling cutters are tools for economic processing of    Wear-resistant, nickel-plated version
         steel and cast materials. The indexable insert can be used either way round and      Clamping screw tightening torque (indexable insert) M4 = 5.2 Nm
         has a total of 16 cutting edges. Despite their low axial infeed values of max.
         3 mm (4 mm) with an insert size of 12.7 mm (16 mm), the cutting edges allow   Advantage:
         signifi cantly higher feed rates and make a considerable contribution to improved    Reversible tip with 16 cutting edges
         productivity. The low axial forces guarantee the best possible smoothness of    High profi tability thanks to the many cutting edges
         the processed surfaces with low roughness depths (Rz < 15 Nm), even for rough
         machining.                                          Reversible tip for use both as a roughing and a fi nishing insert
                                                             High tooth feed and feed rates are possible
          Up to Ø 100 mm with inner cooling
                                                         15°                               15°
                                               -5°                               -5°

                                                                   45° 1)                            45° 1)
                                                               3  8                              4 10
                                                       Ident. No. 200–214                Ident. No. 216–238
                                                       WPL ONGU0505                     WPL ONGU0606
                                                                                      High-perfor-  Clamping screw
                                                                                      mance 45° face   for indexable
                                                                                      milling cutter  inserts
            D (mm)   D1 max (mm)  L1 (mm)    d (mm)   max. ap (mm)  Number of   Suitable for in-  16002...  16108...
                                                                 cutting edges   dexable inserts  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
             32          38         40         16         3          3      ONGU 0505..  200  ○   085
              32         38         40         16         3          4      ONGU 0505..  202  ○   085
              40         46         40         22         3          4      ONGU 0505..  204  ○   085
              40         46         40         22         3          5      ONGU 0505..  206      085
              50         56         40         22         3          5      ONGU 0505..  208      085
              50         56         40         22         3          7      ONGU 0505..  210  ○   085
              63         69         40         22         3          7      ONGU 0505..  212      085
              63         69         40         22         3          9      ONGU 0505..  214      085
              50         58         40         22         4          4      ONGU 0606..  216      086
              50         58         40         22         4          6      ONGU 0606..  218      086
              63         71         40         22         4          5      ONGU 0606..  220      086
              63         71         40         22         4          8      ONGU 0606..  222      086
              80         88         50         27         4          7      ONGU 0606..  224      086
              80         88         50         27         4          10     ONGU 0606..  226  ○   086
             100        108         50         32         4          9      ONGU 0606..  228      086
             100        108         50         32         4          12     ONGU 0606..  230      086
             125        133         63         40         4          11     ONGU 0606..  232      086
             125        133         63         40         4          15     ONGU 0606..  234      086
             160        168         63         40         4          13     ONGU 0606..  236  ○   086
             160        168         63         40         4          19     ONGU 0606..  238      086
           Prod. Gr. 108
                          Indexable milling insert ONGU
                           For high-performance 45° face milling cutter no. 16002
          Application:                                     Delivery:
         Ident. No. 690, 694: Wide fi nishing plates for optimised surface qualities  Box quantity: 10 pieces

                                                                      Surface  Coated    Coated      Coated
                                                                   Carbide type  HC4410  HC4625     HC4640
                                                            Material to be processed  Steel | Cast   Steel  Steel | Stainless
                                                                                                   steel | Special
                                                          Suitable for material group P             alloy
                                                         Suitable for material group M                
                                                         Suitable for material group N
                                                          Suitable for material group K  
                                                          Suitable for material group S               
                                                         Suitable for material group H
                    ISO name     Type    Knife edge length  Edge radius (mm)  Indexable insert  16109...  16109...  16109...
                                            (mm)                   type    Ident. No.  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                   ONGU 0505   Rough machining,   12.7   2          40     688         684        680
                     ANEN      smoothing
                   ONGU 0606   Rough machining,   16     2          41     692         686        682
                     ANEN      smoothing
                   ONGU 0505   Wide fi nishing  12.7      2          40     690          -    -     -     -
                   ONGU 0606   Wide fi nishing  16        2          41     694          -    -     -     -
           Prod. Gr. 156

     Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
     Technical data subject to change.     
     Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.                            385

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