Page 561 - Industrial Tools Catalog (2)
P. 561

General requirements \ Oil dispensers
          Brush thickness (mm)  9      12        15        18
          56092...  Ident. No.  010    020       030       040
         Prod. Gr. 575
                     Multi-purpose tub
                      Made from shatterproof polyethylene
         Application:                        ƒ With robust handles
         For changing oil or for cleaning parts.
         Execution:                          ƒ With raised section to position dirty parts
         ƒ Made of break-proof polyethylene    ƒ Lip all the way around tub for safe pouring
            ƒ Black
          Volumetric capacity                               6 l
          Ø (mm)                                            390
          Height (mm)                                       120
          56095...                       Ident. No.         010
         Prod. Gr. 5IE
                        Push-type grease presses
                         With follow-up piston
         Application:                        ƒ No. 56191: With pointed nosepiece for flush-type
         For greases of medium consistency and high-viscos-  lubrication nipples DIN 3405
         ity oils.                           ƒ No. 56192: With universal adapter for spherical
                                            and conical lubricating nipple DIN 71412
         ƒ Made from steel, burnished      Technical data:
                                             ƒ Feed volume per stroke: 0.6 cm³
          Volumetric capacity                       60 ml         0.15 l
          Length (mm)                                115           185
                        Mouthpiece outlet
          56191...      Extrusion die    Ident. No.  500           510
          56192...      Universal die    Ident. No.  500           510
         Prod. Gr. 598
                        Oil presses
                         For all oils
         Application:                      Execution:
         For all oils.                       ƒ Ident. No. 500: With pointed nosepiece for flush-
                                            type lubrication nipples DIN 3405
                                             ƒ Ident. No. 510: With universal adapter for spher-
                                            ical and conical lubricating nipple DIN 71412
          Volumetric capacity                                  180 ml
          Feed volume per stroke (cm³)                           0.8
          Length (mm)                                           133
                            Mouthpiece outlet
          56195...          Extrusion die         Ident. No.    500
          56195...          Hollow hydraulic die  Ident. No.    510
         Prod. Gr. 598
          High pressure hand-operated lever-type grease gun

         Application:                       ƒ Painted black
         For lubricating with grease, filling with grease gun     ƒ Ident. No. 010:
         filler no. 56259 or with grease cartridge no. 56235   ƒ Robust all-steel design, painted silver
         100.                               ƒ Short stroke system, infinitely variable piston
                                             rod fixing
         Execution:                         ƒ Filling/draining value, ergonomic handle
         ƒ Ident. No. 005:                  ƒ For 400 g cartridges or 500 g loose grease   Ident. No. 005
          ƒ Made of steel

                                                                                       Ident. No. 010

          Volumetric capacity                                   400 ml                       400 ml
          Max. working pressure (bar)                            400                         400
          Connection thread                                     M10 x 1                     M10 x 1
          Feed volume per stroke (cm³)                            1.2                         2.0
               56235...                       Ident. No.         005                          -
              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
              Technical data subject to change.                                   1363
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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