Page 556 - Industrial Tools Catalog (2)
P. 556

General requirements \ Holding magnets and small magnets
                       Hand-held bar magnets
                        700 mm long

        Application:                      ƒ With oil-resistant protective sleeve
        For effortlessly removing screws, tools and other   ƒ Plastic handle
        small parts from gearbox enclosures or other diffi-
        cult-to-reach areas.              Technical data:
        Execution:                        ƒ Length: 700 mm
          ƒ With flexible handle
        Head Ø (mm)         11        20        30
        51156...  Ident. No.  010     020       040
        Prod. Gr. 591
        Magnetic swarf and small parts lifter
         Spänemaxx 175, 300 and 600
        Application:                      ƒ rustproof rod, plastic handle with protective shield
        use the magnet to attract chips or small pieces, then   ƒ magnetic tensile force of 20 kg
        pull the knob to release the pieces.  ƒ handle diameter of 33 mm
        Execution:                        ƒ handle length incl. scraper of 215 mm
        ƒ easy removal of impurities from machines and
        Length (mm)         390
        Head Ø (mm)         25
        51158...  Ident. No.  040
        Prod. Gr. 518
                       Organising magnets

        Application:                      Execution:
        For fixing drawings and other paper documents to   ƒ Magnetic clamp with coloured plastic cap
        magnetic surfaces.

                                               Colour  Blue       Yellow      Red        Black      White
                         Outer Ø (mm)              51161...    51161...   51161...   51161...    51161...
                                                   Ident. No.  Ident. No.  Ident. No.  Ident. No.  Ident. No.
                             20                     010   ●    020   ●    030    ●    040   ●    050   ●
                             25                     060   ●    070   ●    080    ●    090   ●    100   ●
                             30                     110   ●    120   ●    130    ●    140   ●    150   ●
                             34                     155   ●    160   ●    170    ●    180   ●    190   ●
        Prod. Gr. 591
                 Oil dispensers
                  With plastic container

        Application:                         ƒ Small polyethylene oil dispenser
        For oiling movable parts.            ƒ Elastic
                                             ƒ With sealing cap
        Execution:                        ƒ No. 56020:
        ƒ Transparent                        ƒ Oil dispensers for the tool case
        ƒ Indestructible                     ƒ Polyethylene container
        ƒ No. 56010:                         ƒ With brass pipe and turn-lock

                                                                                        No. 56010

                                                                                        No. 56020

              Source: Hahn+Kolb Werkzeuge GmbH
        1358  Technical data subject to change.                                 
              Availability subject to country specific rules and regulations.
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