Page 214 - GM E-BOOKLET 2022
P. 214

Solar  Street  lights  will  ensure  reliable  illumination  during  night  time

                 irrespective of local supply  as MKDI station is in the vicinity  of  forest


         2.9     Safety Week from 1  to 7  May
                Safety  week  was  observed in  the  first  week  of  May  to  reiterate  the

                 importance  of  safety  while  working.  Safety  Seminars  have  been

                 conducted  all  over  the  division  at  various  depots  &  sub-depots  to

                 create  awareness  about  safety.  Staff  have  been  educated  and

                 demonstrated to follow Electrical safety precautions while working on

                 OH lines & other electrical equipment.

                                     Safety week observed at Depots KZJ, BPA, DKJ

         2.10  Activities during Swatchata pakhwada
                Cleanliness activities of electrical assets like, water coolers, lights, Fans,

                 AC and etc., have been carried out as well as removed vegitaion in

                 sub stations premises at all depot level during  Swatchata pakhwada

                 over the division.

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