Page 47 - Book Chapter
P. 47
Kajian Dalam Bidang Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi: Filosofi, Teori, dan Praktik
Dr. Ade Abdul Hak, S.Ag., S.S., M.A studied librarianship at Universitas
Indonesia before turning his attention in communication science at
Universitas Padjadjaran. His research focuses on e-Literacy and Prophetic
Communication Behaviour. Prior to entering these programs, he obtained
a BA at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Jakarta. Additionally, he has been
teaching and a part of library consortium at Library and Information Science
Department at Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
Dr. Agus Rusmana, M.A. born in Bandung on May 21, 1960, has been
working as a lecturer in the Library Science Study Program, Faculty of
Communication, Padjadjaran University since 1986. The author studied
Bachelor Degree (S1) in Communication Studies at Padjadjaran University,
Master of Arts and Library Studies at Loughborough University, England,
and Doctor of Sociology at Padjadjaran University. The papers produced
for seminarswere among others: Cyber City in the Scientific Perspective
of Communication, Digital Communication Systems in the Form of Social
Media in Social Life, Closing the Communication Gap Between Academics
and Librarians. While other papers are collected in the anthology of library
science and information takenfrom research reports.
Dr. Endang Fatmawati, M.Si., M.A. menyelesaikan S3 di KBM UGM
pada bulan November 2018 dengan konsentrasi riset bidang Perpustakaan.
Selain aktif mengajar sebagai Dosen LB dan Praktisi di UNDIP, juga
menjabat amanah sebagai Kepala Perpustakaan FEB UNDIP dari tahun
2005 sampai dengan sekarang. Selain senang berbagi pengalaman
kepenulisan, juga aktif dalam kegiatan penelitian/kajian, memberikan
pelatihan, sebagai tutor, instruktur Diklat, maupun sebagai nara sumber
beragam temu ilmiah kepustakawanan. Kontak silaturahmi ke eenfat@