Page 15 - Kane Focus Magazine Issue Nr 6 Spring 24_Neat
P. 15

Commissioning  Our KIM   KIMSystem

 Management Team  Journey  From the KIM demos, we have

        begun to understand what the
        system will look and feel like,
 The Commissioning Management Team,   with further information and
 headed by Niall Moane, comprises of a  demos to be released over the
 team of sevenpeople. The Commissioning  coming months as the system is
 Team at  Kane aim to ensure that  We have had an exciting   developed. Users can expect a
 Company goals are achieved  Niall Moane  six  months, by using the  tailored dashboard with
 throughout the project delivery.  workshops attended by all  relevant reports on their home
 departments in November  screen with some further
        customisation of layout and
 2022, we generated a list of  system bookmarks.
 key requirements that would
 be used in completing a  Where possible, the system and
 tender of our overall system   associated reports/forms will be
 requirements. Thanks again   branded with Kane logos and
        colour scheme.
 Nikolay Georgiev  Georgios Maillis    Adriana Petric    Dean Moffett   to everyone for their
 Lead Commissioning    Commissioning   Commissioning    Commissioning    participation in the
 Manager  Manger  Engineer  Engineer  workshops and hopefully you   Timeline
 can attend all future

 workshops.  Phase 2 of the  project kicked off  What employees can expect from KIM
          at  the start of August 2023when      1 There will be a   single              3 Improved
 Our tender was issued to nine   we met with our Eque2’s   access point for all            reporting and
 different software providers,   implementation team. Following   employees to log into    visuals, giving
 which was shortlisted to four for   this an intense period of   to access payslips,       employees greater
 demos of their systems. Based on   workshops and analysis sessions                        autonomy and ownership of
 Ryan Douglas   Christopher Vosper  Erzun Niazi    book holidays via
 Commissioning   Commissioning    Commissioning    the scoring from each of our   took place where our Champions   a  calendar, timesheets, and all   their departments.
 Manager  Manager  Manager  Champions and the KIM Team,  tested and helped develop the
    we appointed Eque2 as our KIM  key processes and requirements    personal HR information. We know  4 More informed
 provider in June 2023.  working alongside Eque2.  everyone disliked the current           decision making by
                                                   holiday calendar and we                 our SMT based on
 What is the focus?  Commissioning processes?  Eque2   Phase 3 started in  December   wanted a  single, easy to access   our single source
                                                   site for  booking and approving
          2023, where we started to develop
                                                                                           of data, enabling business
 We are focused on processes   Thisincludes the management,    Selection  our KIM system with our  holidays.  growth, in line with our
 for enhancing the delivery of a  evaluation and execution  After reviewing the demos, it  Champions andentered into a  projected business goals.
 project. These processes focus   of a commissioning strategy   was immediately obvious    testing phase of the system.  2 Improved
 on verifying and documenting    and programme. This process   that Eque2 understood our    departmental and    5 The ability to record and
 that all commissioned systems   considers areas  such as,  requirements and presented    Our projected Go-Live date is  system integration,    assess our carbon
 and assemblies are planned,   commissionability, installation   the best, most user-friendly    May 2024 following full system  that will reduce   footprint improving
 designed, installed, tested,   progress, Validation,   solution.  testing.  duplication of work  our sustainability
 operated, and maintained to   maintainability, all quality and   and improve availability of   credentials.
 meet the Project Requirements.  commissioning   From the presentations,  information, ultimately reducing
 documentation, and training   Eque2 were able to clearly   employees’ workload.
 procedures.  demonstrate to our
 What is Commissioning
 Management?  Champions how the system  What’s next?  phase. Please reach out
 Commissioning management  is  The process oversees and assists   would operate on a  day-  to your Champion for any
 to-day basis, whilst  saving
 essential in the mechanical  and  with the co-ordination  of all   time and reducing   We will be providing monthly    requests or feedback for
 electrical building services   commissioning works,   workload compared with   updates on the KIMtile on Summit,  these sessions.
 process, it iskey to a building   completing commissionability   our  current systems.  as well as issuing regular marketing
 being operationally ready at   reports on all M&E systems,   communications to keep  Ifyou have questions on
 handover, functioning correctly   employ learning from previous   As KIM will not be replacing  everyone informed.  anything KIM related,
 and performing efficiently.  projects, appoint water and   all software and systems,   please reach out to
 Commissioning Management    air specialists, O&M’s, conduct   Eque2  were willing to   We will be notifying and   Martina Hawkins or  Stuart
          collaborating with Champions
 ensures that projects are   commissioning workshops, as   provide a  solution that   as  to the dates of the analysis  Hutchison.
 handed over on time.  well as, witnessing all systems   could integrate these  sessions as we head into this new   Martina Hawkins  Stuart Hutchison
    once fully commissioned to   systems into KIM (where
 ensure it is  of an acceptable
 14 KANE FOCUS  possible).
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