Page 5 - Kane Focus Magazine Issue Nr 6 Spring 24_Neat
P. 5


 YEARS IN    Marty McMullan

        What does the 20-year                     When we started working in            Thisproject sticks out to me as  one
        anniversary mean to you?                  London the majority of our site       which required the expertise
                                                  teams were from Ireland, Iam          across almost all departments
        Firstly, Ican’t believe that it has       very proud of the team we             to overcome the challenges by
        been 20 years since we took  over         have established now in               thinking outside the box and taking
        Kane but then Ilook at my  children       London which ismade up of             a  can-do approach which
        who are all now adults and                people from  all across the           made the project a       success for
        remember that Sean, Rory  and             world who have  embraced              both our client and us.
        Damian were all very young and            our company values.
        Ciara and Eoin were not  born at                                                We frequently take clients to
        that stage.                               Being recognised in the industry  see this project and they have
                                                  for our innovation, social values,  all been very impressed with the
        Inever imagined that we would             offsite fabrication and supply        level of complexity and the level
        have been able to grow the                chain partners through the many of co-ordination required to allow
        company into the size it istoday          awards we have won continues all the plant to be installed and
        and to be recognised as one               to  make me very proud.               maintained.
        of the largest M&E companies
        within the UK.                            Italso makes me proud to see          What do you think the next 20  years
                                                  some of my own children and           will bring for Kane?
        What have been the highlights  for        nieces & nephews working in
        you?                                                                            Iam confident that Kane will
                                                  the company.
        Thinking back there have been             What is your most memorable           continue to grow over the next 20
                                                                                        years. We continuously invest in our
        lots of highlights but moving into        project to date?                      people, who are highly ambitious
        our new head office in Banbridge in                                             and have the drive to deliver our
        2017 sticks out the most.                 There are a lot of projects that      growth strategy and beyond.
        Although it was very difficult  to        stick out in my mind for very
        leave our original office in              different reasons. Some were          We have invested heavily in
        Burrenreagh, the opportunities            extremely challenging, some           technology throughout the
        that the new offices and yard in          Iexpected to be difficult ran         business because we firmly
        Banbridge offered for our  staff          like clockwork and others             believe that it iskey to allowing
        and company growth was                    are memorable because of              the company to grow. The
        exciting.                                 their values where clients put        construction industry has seen
                                                  their trust in us to deliver their    significant changes over the past
        On a   personal level working  with       higher value projects and             5 -10 years as it has embraced
        my brothers to build this                 allowed us to grow.                   digital technology and now the
        company has been a highlight.                                                   industry isbeginning to see how  it
                                                  IfIwas to pick one project, it
        What is your proudest moment in  the 20   would be Claridges. Iwas              can transform and utilise off site
        years since Kane started?                                                       fabrication, reduce site numbers,
                                                  blown  away by the                    reduce health and safety risks and
        The development of our staff              achievement of McGees to              increase quality and reduce waste.
        some of which have been                   form a   5-storey basement
        with us from they left school /           below the existing  Claridges         Ibelieve the investment in
        university makes me immensely             hotel whilst it stayed  in            technology and continued
        proud because as a       team we          operation. Iunderstood that           upskilling of our teams will make
        have developed and educated               the project would be very             the business more profitable and
        ourselves in all departments to           technical and challenging but         sustainable and achieving our
        allow us to secure and deliver            was confident that we could           growth strategy.
        complex projects for our clients.         overcome all of the challenges
                                                  as a team and felt we had to
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                                                  be involved.
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