Page 10 - NJC Magazine_Fall_2018
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Message from the Conseil de Fondation and Canadian Advisory Committee
As NJC’s current students and community of alumni know well, change is transformative. NJC of late, has been undergoing transformation on a number of fronts, and in each case, the change has sharpened our focus on the future, while being conscientious about honouring the past.
The retirement of Bill Boyer as our Head of School has ushered in a new era of leadership for the school. To show our appreciation for all he has done for NJC, we fêted Bill in Switzerland in June and in Canada in September. We thank Bill and we wish him and his family well as they begin this new chapter in their lives. We had a fabulous turnout for Bill’s farewell party at The Spoke Club in Toronto and give thanks to those who donated to the Bill Boyer Scholarship. We particularly want to thank Ken Tan and his family for their generosity in matching every donation for this award that will honour Bill and help students to come to NJC every year in perpetuity—a fitting tribute to a man who
dedicated his life to education. Bill passed the torch to our new Head of School, Andrew Keleher, this summer.
Change is a mainstay in the Keleher household and will be for some time! Andrew, his wife, Larissa, and their children, Ainsley and Luke, moved from Victoria B.C. into their new home at Crêt-Taconnet 4 in early August. Members of the Conseil met Andrew and his family at the train station when they arrived in Neuchâtel and have been helping get their family settled at school and in programs with their local contacts. It is easy for the Kelehers to appreciate all that our students go through in those first few months given that they, too, are adapting to life in Neuchâtel, and we are pleased to report that they are settling in well; the children have already participated in the Fête des Vendanges parade— how Neuchâtelois!—as part of the swim team they joined, Larissa is honing her French, and Andrew is embracing each new day of excitement that his Headship brings. We, along with the special committee of the CAC, are committed to ensuring that Andrew’s transition as Head is smooth, supportive and successful. We welcome Andrew and his family. They look forward to meeting as many members of our community in the months and years to come.
The Conseil and CAC are responsible for ensuring that all of the positive change associated with Strategic Plan 2018-2022: Extraordinary Future ( is implemented. We, Andrew, and his staff, are all busy working on the priorities set out in the plan in the areas of extraordinary
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