Page 12 - NJC Magazine_Fall_2018
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Born and raised in Saint John, New Brunswick, Mr. Andrew J. Keleher comes to Neuchâtel Junior College with seventeen years of experience working in education across Canada, a decade of which he spent in the role of administrator. With a background in teaching French and Social Studies, Andrew is enthusiastic about inspiring both teachers and students, and he is dedicated to supporting teachers in their professional growth. He is honoured to have the opportunity to carry the torch of the school’s legacy and lead the development of Neuchâtel Junior College, as our new Head of School.
Meet Our New
Head of School
Andrew Keleher has all the makings of a great Head of School. He arrives at NJC with tremendous school experience as a successful administrator, is relentlessly
focused on the needs of his students, and recognizes that they will only be successful through the ongoing care and commitment exhibited by superb teachers. In addition, he recognizes the potential for enormous impact on students’ lives through international travel. He is the perfect fit for Neuchâtel: grounded, internationally-minded, and caring.” —Geoff Roberts Canadian Advisory Committee
Working with eager and unique young minds is one of Andrew’s passions, and he is fascinated by the incredible growth that happens within students over the course of a year, both academically and emotionally. He says that working with teenagers keeps him young!
He equally enjoys working in education to build and strengthen the complex relationships between the different members of the community - parents, students, staff, alumni etc.
Andrew looks forward to engaging the Neuchâtel Junior College community and perpetuating the vibrancy of the institution through sound education in the classroom, regular extra-curriculars, travel,
and of course, the one-of-a-kind pension program. With a strong belief in unity, Andrew understands that every link in the chain needs to be strong and he is a great advocate of engagement and building legacy within the community on both sides of the ocean.
For him, the Neuchâtel Junior College learning experience is a special opportunity for students to be able to enforce their learning by immersing themselves in the European history and culture. A great believer in travel as an informative aspect of the Neuchâtel Junior College program, Andrew eagerly anticipates the opportunity to accompany students on various field and international trips.
An avid reader, tennis player and ball hockey player, Andrew looks forward to expanding his knowledge of Switzerland, travelling throughout Europe and hitting the slopes—all alongside his students!
Neuchâtel Junior College Magazine

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