Page 13 - NJC Magazine_Fall_2018
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Apply to Neuchâtel
Junior College
September 2019 and 2020
It’s Time to Apply for September 2019!
Thank you to our entire community for supporting healthy enrollments by mentioning NJC in your circles! NJC is transformative for students in Grade 12 and for those who seek a gap year of enrichment.
Contact the Director of Admission with your questions:
Brenda Neil '90
Director of Admission 1.800.263.2923 x 222
Refer families to find our research package at
or to download application forms
on our website.
The application deadline for September 2019 admission is coming up rapidly on Friday, February 8, 2019. Candidates are encouraged to apply by this deadline to avoid disappointment. The Admission Committee selects students on the basis of their academic performance, character, interests, talents and potential.
If you know of any candidates for the 2019-20 academic year, or beyond, please put them in contact with the Director of Admission. Thank you for spreading the word about our extraordinary school!
Financial Awards
Thanks to generous members of our community, every year, significant funds—from $5,000 to $30,000—are awarded to families from the Junior College’s general bursary and scholarship funds. The goal of the bursaries available through our awards program is to help families bridge the financial gap and make NJC a reality. In addition, a number of prestigious named awards are also available.
Early Admission Option for September 2020
Candidates who have researched NJC well in advance may choose to submit their application for September 2020 admission early.
Applicants vying for this early admission decision are eligible to apply in June of 2019, once they have received their final Grade 10 report card. To ensure the academic preparedness of early applicants for NJC’s program, a successful early application results in a conditional acceptance. The condition is lifted when a positive Grade 11 report card is presented in the fall of 2019.
Successful early applicants benefit from the knowledge that they have secured a space at NJC in advance of the traditional application period. Families also enjoy knowing that the educational path is set. There is no financial obligation for accepted September 2020 applicants until January of 2020, and there are also tuition incentives. The application deadline for early applicants is June 28, 2019.
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