Page 17 - NJC Magazine_Fall_2018
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Thank You!
Extraordinary happens when you see the world as something bigger than yourself. It is driven by curiosity, fuelled by adventure. It reaches across borders and transcends cultures. It dares to take the road less travelled.
Extraordinary at NJC starts with our extraordinary alumni and parent supporters.
Thank you for helping our school reach extraordinary heights this year.
Anonymous (12) Barbara Allan ‘71 Jamie Anderson ‘72 Dr. Daniel Andreae ‘72 Amanda Auciello ‘13 Desi Auciello
Marsha Baillie ‘64 Beverley Baily ‘69 Davison Balfour ‘66 William Barnett ‘60 Ian Beardmore ‘58 Lynn Bennett ‘65 David Binet ‘76 Robert Blackburn ‘61 Ann Blair ‘61
Edward Borins ‘61
Amy Bourne ‘00
The Sherry & Sean Bourne
Family Charitable Foundation Margaret- Ann Boyd ‘61
Trish Bragg ‘91
Christine Brott ‘69
Dr. Chris Bruckschwaiger Alexandra Bukojemsky ‘04
The Burton Charitable Foundation Martha Butterfield ‘59
The Butterfield Family Foundation Jeff Callahan ‘14
Elliot Campbell ‘97
James Carr ‘62
Philip Chambers ‘00
The Charbonneau Family
Amélie Holland Chartrand ‘17 Madison Churchill ‘18
The Class of 2018
Sean Cleary ‘91
Ian & Lynne Cleghorn, In honour
of Erica Cleghorn ‘17 Duncan Colterjohn ‘12
Nancy Cronyn‘73
Bryan Dare ‘64
Greg Dart ‘85
Daniel Delmar ‘69
Luisa Di Lorenzo ‘79, In Honour
of Monsieur and Madame Imhof Traci & Jeff DiBattista
Rae Dolman ‘91
Alan Drake ‘63
Paul Duckett
Elisabeth Edelbrock ‘78
Judy Eisen Schwartz ‘61
Elisabeth Eldridge
David Elliott ‘87
Ian Esquivel
Ilze Ezergailis and James Black Cindy Farmer ‘71
Hannah Fletcher ‘15
Judy Forsyth ‘68
Patricia Frankie-Deverell
Dr. Alan Goldbloom ‘66
Murray Goldman
Kerry Goodenow ‘07
John Grant ‘79
Virginia Grant ‘63
Charles Greene ‘63
Michael Greenwood ‘90, In Honour
of the Ferranti Family
Dr. Moira Gunn
Gibran Hakim ‘98
Barbara Hall ‘60, Martha Hall ‘91
and Sarah Hall ‘84
Hugh Hall ‘71
Jane Harlock ‘61
Kenneth Harris ‘71
Cathy LeFeuvre and David Harrison Barbara Hatch ‘67
Peter Hebb ‘57 John Hepburn ‘67
Beatrice Hines ‘69
In Honour of Mike Holmes ‘02 Nancy Hushion ‘59
Bryce and Janice Hynds Gillian Kay ‘67
Andrew J. Keleher
Eric Klinkhoff
In Memory of Moni
Kunstler-Kuechmeister ‘61 Jim Laing ‘61
Dr. Judith Lave ‘57
Emily Liddy ‘12
Nicole Liddy ‘14
The Liddy Family
Betty-Anne Lindsay
Dr. Robert Lucas ‘61
Jillian Ludwig ‘10
Sarah MacDonald and Martin
Gouin Family Education Fund Murray MacKenzie ‘65 and Marilyn
MacKenzie ‘65
George MacLaren ‘57
Bill Martin ‘61 and Nancy Martin ‘64 Sarah MacKay Marton ‘14
Paula Mascioli ‘75
The McCall MacBain Foundation Judith McCreery ‘71
Judith McCulloch ‘61
Shannon McJannet ‘62
Gloria and James McSherry
Gloria and James McSherry, In Honour
of the Ferranti Family John McSherry ‘08, In Honour
of the Ferranti Family
Patrick & Michelle Meneley Larry Merriam, In honour of Don
Merriam ‘95 and Nicole Merriam ‘90 Patricia Mighton ‘60
Bruce Mitchell ‘64
The Bruce H. Mitchell Foundation Peter Mitchelson ‘60
Brent Mooney
Sarah Morgenstern ‘85
Sarah Morison ‘91
The Morris Family
Franca and Arthur Moss
Brenda Neil ‘90
Neuchâtel Junior College, In Memory
of Lost Alumni Catherine O’Neill ‘71 Matthew Oakes ‘15 Scott Oakes ‘14
Oakes Family Charitable Fund Deena Pantalone ‘95
Jocelyn Paul ‘61
Barbara and Gordon Piercey James Pratt ‘84
Ian Reid ‘61
Alexandra Reucassel ‘16
The Reucassel Family
Rob and Penny Richards
Bryan Richardson ‘68
Paula Richardson ‘98
Susan Richardson ‘68
Geoffrey Roberts
Adriana Robertson ‘07
Janine and Glen Rosart
Ian Ross ‘60
Laura Ross ‘82
Guy Savard
Michael Scott-Harston ‘73
Susan Sheen ‘65
Noelle Shohet ‘59
Grant Skelly ‘78
Katherine Smith
Lyn Smith ‘61
Leslie Smyth ‘71
Jill Solnicki
James Stiles ‘69
David Stuart ‘65
Gail Sumanik ‘61
Thomas Symington ‘65
David Tait ‘71
Kevin Tan ‘16
The Sung Tan Family
Max Thompson ‘88
The Thompson Family
Kathleen Bedrosian & Philip Thomson Jeremy “J” Thornton ‘61
Deirdre Waywell and Ted Toffelmire Adam and Catherine Turner
The Turner Family
Stephanie Von Schilling ‘57
Beth Weingarden ‘80
Mary Wemp ‘64
Ed Cass and Leslie White
Karen and Stephen Whitehead
Anna Whitley ‘61
Victoria Whitmore ‘70
Pauline Willis ‘61
Jennifer Wilson ‘79
Murray Wood ‘61
Jeffrey Young ‘87
Audra Verbyla and Anthony Zicha
*This list is compiled from donations made between September 1st, 2017 and August 15th, 2018
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