Page 16 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
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About the
2 Innovation team
Mass General Brigham Ventures and An important and growing Innovation capability is accelerating the
Translational Innovation translation of promising research breakthroughs. This includes the
Translational Innovation Fund (TIF) which provides resources to validate
and add value to highly promising commercially oriented Mass General
Mass General Brigham Ventures is an internal, early stage venture capital Brigham research. The TIF engages with promising opportunities that are
fund (previously known as Partners Innovation Fund). It was created in expected to significantly increase the value of license and/or spin-offs
2008 to accelerate the commercial application of Mass General Brigham based on the research. Resources typically range from $500,000 to
research breakthroughs. The Fund has grown to several hundred million $2 million and per project and are largely expended outside the system to
dollars under management and created dozens of portfolio companies that validate and enhance the technology. A key goal is to substantially increase
have raised billions of dollars of follow-on capital. It is one of the highest the value of the Mass General Brigham technology while it is still in its
performing academically managed venture funds in the United States. It pre-commercial stage. 25% of the net system proceeds from the ultimate
co-invests with the industry’s top life science venture funds.
commercialization are returned to the TIF to provide support for future
Fund staff are active in company creation and support its portfolio translational opportunities.
companies through their entire lifecycles from creation to exit. The Fund Other translational capabilities include the Innovation Discovery Grant
has first access to disclosed inventions from the Mass General Brigham (IDG) program and the Boston Biomedical Innovation Center (B-BIC), both
system and works side-by-side with principal investigators across the managed by Innovation.
network. Investments are initially directed at the seed and Series A
stages, which attracts management talent and additional capital to the For more information, please contact Roger Kitterman, Vice President,
funded companies. Venture,
The $30 million AI and Digital Investment Fund (AIDIF) was recently Fund details are at:
launched and is part of Mass General Brigham Ventures. It is described
in chapter 8 for more information on AIDIF.