Page 11 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
P. 11
Defining the
1 innovation pathway
Roles in the commercialization process Keeping Innovation informed of new results, upcoming publications and
interactions is important. An imminent publication may, for example,
The path to a commercial outcome is a collaborative one and typically accelerate the filing of a provisional patent to protect intellectual property
involves multiple participants. The Inventor and Licensing Manager are at rights. If by accident a discussion of an invention/idea occurs with
the center of the process. They work as a team, each with their own role. non-Mass General Brigham individuals, Innovation should be
Like any group effort, the better the teamwork, the better the work product notified immediately.
and the quicker and more efficiently a favorable outcome is realized.
Licensing Manager
Inventor Licensing Managers (LMs) are the primary point of commercialization
In addition to their inspiration, the inventor brings depth of knowledge of interface and function as a partner to the inventor. The LM provides
the field, understanding of competing parties that may be working in a commercialization expertise including technology assessment, process
similar area, insights into translating the discovery into a viable product understanding, risk mitigation and knowledge of the parties within Mass
and frequently observations of the commercial market and often industry General Brigham whose involvement may be needed or helpful.
contacts. The inventor, as the creator of the invention, will at times be
required to detail the invention in writing and also participate in meetings Outcomes and efficiency increase when the inventor and the LM have
with patent counsel or industry representatives to advocate for the a strong working relationship. This guide is meant to provide basic
potential of the invention. information that will allow the inventor to enhance his or her participation
in the commercialization process. It also describes the roles of the
When an inventor has a novel idea, it is important to contact Innovation respective parties. Increased knowledge enhances the efficiency of and
even if the idea is not fully formed. It is essential that this occur before satisfaction with the exchange. Efficiency is of extra importance for LMs
having discussions with individuals outside of Mass General Brigham, who are responsible for many dozens of investigators. This document
including company representatives, the media, at poster presentations, reflects a continually evolving environment and as such it assumes
or other public forums. This helps to prevent loss of patentability and ongoing communication between inventors and LMs.
hindering the opportunity to market the invention.
Innovators are encouraged to provide specific performance feedback
The inventor collaborates with the Innovation office in developing the to their LM and/or the Innovation office. A simple email is an important
patent application and interacting with patent counsel. If any patent continuous improvement tool and is much valued. Ongoing feedback
counsel requests or other aspects of the patenting process are unclear, it is serves as an opportunity to enhance commercialization outcomes as well
important that the inventor seek clarification. as innovator satisfaction. There is also an annual survey to gain large scale
innovator insights which in turn may affect process changes.