Page 8 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
P. 8


                                               Defining the

            1                                  innovation pathway

            Innovation and invention continued                                    Commercialization process
            Consider a new drug. It results from an invention and it is almost always   The path from research to commercial product can be long and complex. It
            protected by a patent. But by itself, the invention is typically only a   takes many experts to successfully develop new treatments, therapeutics
            chemical entity. It’s what was done with that entity — its demonstration of   and diagnostics. It can also take many, often iterative, development steps
            clinical benefit and its incorporation into therapeutic products, treatments   for an industry partner to develop an innovation into a product. Some
            and even processes and services that constitutes an innovation.       innovations reach the market more quickly than others depending on
            These points are important in commercialization as both invention and   many variables.
            innovation can result in commercial outcomes. Also, while these terms   The first step is the inventive insight which may occur anywhere in the
            somewhat overlap, they are not interchangeable.
                                                                                  System and be made by any employee. Historically, the most acted on of
            Generally speaking, the path forward from an invention is well established   these occur in the lab while some are derived from providing care or even
            and is described in detail in this guide. Achieving a commercial outcome   from administrative operations.
            from an innovation can be complex as it may not be as discrete or have   The next step, known as an invention disclosure, is a written description
            the protection that a patent provides. Also, importantly, there are many   of an expected novel device, method, composition etc. This critical
            innovations external to Mass General Brigham that may be brought into the   documentation step initiates the process to protect and preserve rights
            System to improve care or administrative efficiency, for example, and that   for the inventor and the institution. The Invention Disclosure Form (IDF) is
            can be enhanced by Mass General Brigham staff and frequently add to its   described in more detail in Section 5.
            commercial value.
                                                                                  The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office describes an inventor as “one who
                                                                                  contributes to the conception of an invention.” The invention is defined by
                                                                                  the novel claims that it gives rise to, so an inventor must have contributed
            Bayh-Dole Act  |  The U.S. Bayh-Dole Act of 1980                      to what is that is claimed by the disclosure. All contributors to the invention
            allows institutions to own the rights to                              should be listed in the Invention Disclosure, including affiliated labs.
                                                                                  Innovation staff work with inventors to determine who should be listed in
            discoveries resulting from federally funded                           the patent application. All IP discovered during employment and activities
            research, provided they work to actively                              supported by Mass General Brigham and its entities are owned in whole or
            commercialize the technology.                                         in part by Mass General Brigham and its entities.
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